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Setting print priority for different colors  

Active Member
Setting print priority for different colors

When printing a part with multiple colors, can we set the priority of printing order and how? For instance printing a coaster with 2 colors. This coaster has a logo set inside and separated (not touching) the outside perimeter ring. Both the logo and outside ring start and stop at the same layer heights after the "base" of the coaster. The ring and base are the same color, but the logo in the center is a 2nd color. Can priority be set to print the 1st color for the base and ring, then print the logo as the 2nd color? this would same significant time when changer colors at layer heights. And yes if possible could be done with a single extruder, i know. But is this possible to do, say using modifiers? And yes i am aware that this would also require enough room inside the print between the logo and the ring for the nozzle tip, or a low enough total height above the coaster base not to matter.

Opublikowany : 05/06/2022 5:02 am