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Robot tool - is this possible to print ?  

Jozef Adam
New Member
Robot tool - is this possible to print ?

Hello everyone, 

My colleague asked me to make a simple tool for robot. He also wanted specific axis to be certain colors. (Z blue, Y green and X red), just like in slicer. I tried to print it but I failed because i found out that when you split the model into bodies, Prusa printer is basically printing 3 seperate objects that way. Is there a way that the model will be connected through infill but each axis will be specific color ? See bellow zip file of the model. 

Thanks in advance for any help.



Publié : 19/07/2022 12:12 pm
Famed Member
RE: Robot tool - is this possible to print ?

I took a quick look at this.

To do this in multi-color on a Prusa, you could probably do it with the MMU(2S), but with manual color changes, there would be many color changes for the lower layers.

If you want such an object to be in three colors, this might be a case where paint is the best tool for the job.

If you want the plastic to be what is colored, it might be the case that the best way to make it would be to print three separate objects, perhaps with registration pegs, and assemble it with glue, or with machine screws if you want to be fancy.

Publié : 19/07/2022 12:23 pm
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