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Prints not coming out to shape desgined  

Eminent Member
Prints not coming out to shape desgined

My printer has bee working great but suddenly in the middle of a print it started printing egg shaped instead of perfect circles. The first photo shows how it started off perfect and at some point started egg shaping. The transparent color is hard to see so i printed it in black again and you can see the first layer is some what egg shaped. I've checked the belts they are tight, ive replaced the Y motor (i have a handful of 3d printers and tons of extra parts) I assumed it was the Y axis since its at the top and bottom of the circle. I have also checked all the wired ends on the rambo board are connected and they are all seeded in as they should be. it will also start printing then randomly stop as if a crash occured but start printing in a totally different spot as you can see in the last photo i tried printing a calibration cube out. it seems strange that it happend suddenly mid way through a print and now it happens every time i try to print. any help would be very much appreciated!

Postato : 16/12/2019 12:09 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prints not coming out to shape desgined

2nd photo

Postato : 16/12/2019 12:11 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prints not coming out to shape desgined

3rd photo

Postato : 16/12/2019 12:12 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prints not coming out to shape desgined

last photo, not sure why I had to upload them 1 at a time but it would not let me pick more then 1 photo per upload lol....

Postato : 16/12/2019 12:13 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prints not coming out to shape desgined

the printer will no longer pass calibration test now either, i dont understand how a perfectly working printer just completely breaks with in 1 print lol. im really disappointed in this machine.

Postato : 16/12/2019 4:17 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prints not coming out to shape desgined

ok so i messed with belt tension and upgraded firmware, I got it to pass calibration (going to try a print soon) but when it passed calibration it said my XY axis was slightly skewed, how can I fix this? I thought this would have been difficult to achieve with the frame being a metal frame as it is.

Postato : 16/12/2019 5:47 am
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: Prints not coming out to shape desgined

double check the x and y motor pulleys are tight and that the set screw is centered on the shaft flat. for set screws used with flatted shafts you always want the screw that is on the flat to be fully tightened before you tighten the 2nd one

Postato : 16/12/2019 5:41 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prints not coming out to shape desgined


I sourced my own parts to make my mk3 so my mototrs dont have a flat spot on the shaft, Ill pull them off and grind a flat spot in to them.

Postato : 16/12/2019 7:55 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prints not coming out to shape desgined

 just wanted to clarify that the issue ended up being one of the screws in the middle of the bed were loose. my MK3s is slightly modified. Since I cant get a 12v version of the prusa  mk3 heated bed  I use a 12v from the prusa mk2 with the prusa mk2 Y bed frame on the MK3 sence it all matches up. so instead of the 9 holes the mk3 bed has mine only has 6 screw holes. One of them in the middle that also holds the Y belt on to the bed was loose and hard to see. after screwing it tight, shapes come out to correct dimensions now. Took awhile to realize it sense the part is a bit hidden from the belt being in its way.

Postato : 18/12/2019 3:29 am