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Palette 2S vs MMU2S  

Estimable Member
Palette 2S vs MMU2S

I am just curious about the Palette 2S, with is a generic multimaterial upgrade for most common 3D printers (including the MK3S).

Do you have any experience with this product? How does it compare in terms of reliability and print quality to the MMU2S upgrade?

Posted : 02/02/2021 7:39 am
Noble Member
RE: Palette 2S vs MMU2S

I'm quiet curious about this as well.  I ordered an MMU2S back on 12/29, still no word on it.  In the mean time I've been reading more about the topic and the palette2S pro seems pretty interesting.  I'd be curious to hear from people who've actually used it.  I'm very happy with prusa so the idea of using something that's prusa appeals to me.

Posted : 06/03/2021 7:52 pm
New Member
RE: Palette 2S vs MMU2S
Hey there, this is Frank, one of the Customer Success Agents of Mosaic Manufacturing. We hope that you and your families are doing well.
Essentially, Palette 2S enables standard FDM 3D printers to print in multi-color and multi-material without any additional add-ons/changes aside from connecting the Palette. You can feed up to four different types of filament into the Palette, which then splices them together at specific points into one filament to feed into the printer. Additionally, here are three links of prints made by the Palette: DodecahedronModel Home and Flexi VaseThis also a great video that goes in-depth about some of our products.
We encourage our 3D Printing community users to raise any inquiries and/or concerns about our products via between Monday to Friday 10 AM to 6 PM EST. We'll be more than glad to address these as soon as we can. For more information about our products, you may check this link. Thanks!
Posted : 07/03/2021 1:41 am
Noble Member
RE: Palette 2S vs MMU2S


I was more interested in folks who had actually used both. 

I actually got notification from prusa yesterday that my MMU has shipped so I'm going to give it the college try.

As recommended by others on this forum I've gone ahead and printed a replacement part for the MMU2S with the festo-style connectors and for many this seems to address the mmu2s issues.

Posted : 11/03/2021 3:20 pm
Noble Member
RE: Palette 2S vs MMU2S

I just noticed there's now a PaletteV3.  It' quite intriguing.   I have however got the mmu better tamed than I did.   And I'm probably leaving the second prusa as an MK3s+ to print things like tpu etc. 

So far I've gotten the following upgrades/mods on the mmu and it seems to be working:

MMU passthrough adapter

Replaced bowden tubes with 2mm ID x 4mm OD.  The stock ones as I've seen mentioned on here are 1.88mm which gives the tube no room to handle blobs on removal of the filament from the extruder during changes

Selector with magnets upgrade

These seem to make the mmu2s much more tolerable.

But I'm keeping my eye on the Palette though.  I'd love to reduce the amount of filament being purged.  it seems so wasteful!


Posted : 02/04/2021 2:19 am
Active Member
RE: Palette 2S vs MMU2S

@ssill2 -

Are you (or anyone who sees this) still having a lot of good success with the MMU2? 

I was actually looking at purchasing either the MMU2 for my new MK3S+, or the Mosaic, or use this as one of the reasons to get the Prusa XL I have on order (BUT, upgrading to 5 heads is arguably more expensive than ANY other option here LOL).

Also, any new or additional MMU changes toward "perfection" or pitfalls to avoid? 

Lastly you mentioned Festo-Style? Do you have a link for this too? Does PRUSA sell the larger diameter tube or do I need to look elsewhere (i.e. common or "better be careful purchasing tubes"?)

Thanks in advance!


Posted : 18/05/2022 1:09 am
Estimable Member
RE: Palette 2S vs MMU2S


I don't have a pallete but i read about it a bit and i didnt like the fact that you had extra software layers on the printing process (chroma slicer etc). I do have an mmu2s for a while now. It was a bumpy ride. The problem was mainly the filament tips. The tips were always stringy and messy (im printing mainly with PETG) an prone to ambient temperature. I used all the suggested mods , including the selector with the magnet but what improved the tips was Antimixe's dribbling version of prusa slicer and the update on mmu2 firmware that enabled the blade. I could now print with 85% success (in comparison with the 5-10% before). But there some issues inherent to the design of mmu2s and maybe pallete since it of a similar concept. First is the rather large increase in printing time. A simple 5 hour print may turn in a 48h depending on the filament changes. If it needs frequent filament changes it increases exponentially and if there is a problem happening on late night of let say the second day of printing then you are screwed. If you encounter a problem there is a possibility (and not a minor one) that the mmu wont be able to recover from it without restarting the whole print. Another is the waste of filament due to the wipe tower.

I know that there are possibly hundreds of people that got the mmu2s to work without issue but the way i see it is that the number of people that do have issues is not justified on a commercial product. hat company would consider keeping on the selves a product that need mods to work and even then a considerable amount of customers faces problems. Only if it considered a DYI opensource "play" kit. I preordered an XL with 2 heads since i think that design solves a lot of the issues mmu2s has (no wipe tower, wasted time on filament changes loading/unloading, filament tips etc) . I was wishing on a tool-changer when i first saw the E3d version of it. My opinion is that if you have the cash and you dont mind waiting wait for the XL.

Posted : 18/05/2022 8:01 am
Active Member

@tsamisacytanet-com-cy -

So.... 85% about the best you get?  I assume this means you need to babysit the print the entire time to ensure success? Or at least whenever a switch is eminent?

THANK YOU.  Some of these were exactly my concerns.  I know the pallette option is faster (no loads/unloads) but I think both are prone to errors.  The MMU2's engineering problems so complex, PRUSA chose 5 separate swappable print heads for the future instead! (Certainly more $ lol), deciding not to bake in MMU compatibility... I'm thinking, based on this and the many other issue threads I've read, that is a wise decision on thier part.

Maybe one is more reliable than another, but it sounds like speading open my pocketbook is the best possible solution ATM.

Thanks again!



Posted : 18/05/2022 2:37 pm
Estimable Member

My 85% translates as a success if i dont intervene at all or if an intervention is on the first few layers. If i need to fix a problem after that is what i consider "unsuccesfull" since babysitting a project is not desirable. If i have a rather long and not so simple print (not a sign with colored letters) and we different materials (not colors) is almost certain that ill need interventions midway. The problem with pallete was also the need of either extra hardware-software (hub) or having to use an online app (canvas) or having a postprocessor under slice. All these add to the complexity. Also ive read in reviews and comments that a failure in pallete means the print has to be restarted. 

And i certainly agree that my bank account want be happy with the XL. Its surely deviated from the hobby consumer market a bit.

Posted : 18/05/2022 4:23 pm
RedDog liked
Noble Member
RE: Palette 2S vs MMU2S

It entirely depends.  If you're doing strictly PLA with different colors  I have a pretty high success rate nearly 100%.   With PETG  generally still fairly good but you can still have issues with adhesion on the purge block.  PLA and BVOH as a soluble is pretty good too.  PETG and BVOH, not so much.  not really jamming issues in any case, just adhesion issues on the purge block is usually my problem.  Jamming comes if I try soluble filaments like Aquasys 120.  I hate that it makes doing tpu printing a pain since there's no way that I've found with stock mmu to feed tpu through.  you basically have to unplug power from the mmu and boot the printer as if it didn't have the mmu.  this is a pain so I just use my other mk3s+ to do tpu printing.

I have a 5 extruder XL on preorder and I'm thinking once I've got that all dialed in the mmu printer may get converted back to a non-mmu.   I haven't decided yet.  the 2mm ID ptfe tubes work fine.  I actually had less success with the 3mm ID tubes.  For me dialing in the filament sensor on the extruder and adjusting the idler screws was the ticket to get me over any loading issues.

Posted : 06/06/2022 11:10 pm