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MMU2S and Autodesk Inventor Parts  

MMU2S and Autodesk Inventor Parts


I have an i3 MK3S+ with MMU2S, and using PrusaSlicer 2.7.0. I use Autodesk Inventor Pro 2022 to model my parts. I am trying to find a way to better setup my files for MMU. I've used The Smart fill Tool but I found it to be time consuming on complex parts.    


Can the above be done Inventor, and inserted into slicer as separate .STL files?

Do I need to make an assembly or do I split my Inventor part into multiple solid bodies? Specifically I am looking for this specific setup (please see attached image)...the DragonBody has a separate .STL file, the DragonChestAndHorns has a separate .STL file, and so forth.

Any help such as links to any tutorials or previous post which might have answered this would be greatly appreciated.

Posted : 30/04/2024 8:38 pm