How exactly do model for MMU? The steps in Fusion just dont work.
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How exactly do model for MMU? The steps in Fusion just dont work.  

Estimable Member
How exactly do model for MMU? The steps in Fusion just dont work.

Hello I wanted to create MMU colorful models, but there is no guide which would work.

In Fusion 360 guide, there is no Save as STL anymore, so not useable, I tried also Make 3D print

(see picture, I already created several bodies, but cant imort them correctly to prusaslicer 2.0)

I also tried to use Meshmixer (see the colors, so it knows there are different parts)

But separate shells create only one shell (all bodies in one) - I used the same file as in Fusion which recognized bodies, but cant export them

Do someone knows a working way to create MMU object (I do not find anything after lot of googling - and I dont want to pay for software until I know it works), and it limites the MMU usage basically to zero. 

This topic was modified 6 years ago by MartinD
Posted : 16/08/2019 12:17 pm
Reputable Member
RE: How exactly do model for MMU? The steps in Fusion just dont work.

There a several ways to split up models or model directly in OpenSCAD.

Posted : 16/08/2019 12:19 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How exactly do model for MMU? The steps in Fusion just dont work.
Posted by: nils.t

There a several ways to split up models or model directly in OpenSCAD.

OpenSCAD does not import STL or OBJ files. 

Posted : 16/08/2019 12:22 pm
Reputable Member
RE: How exactly do model for MMU? The steps in Fusion just dont work.

Yes it does.

Posted : 16/08/2019 12:33 pm
Active Member
RE: How exactly do model for MMU? The steps in Fusion just dont work.

I have used tutorial at this URL to convert a single color model to a MMU model.

Posted : 16/08/2019 1:31 pm
Peter L
Honorable Member
RE: How exactly do model for MMU? The steps in Fusion just dont work.
Posted by: martin.d17

Hello I wanted to create MMU colorful models, but there is no guide which would work.

In Fusion 360 guide, there is no Save as STL anymore, so not useable, I tried also Make 3D print

(see picture, I already created several bodies, but cant imort them correctly to prusaslicer 2.0)

It looks like you might be in "Mesh" mode. You need to click the "Finish Mesh" button to return to "Model" mode.

From there you can export your object as an STL.

Yes, this is something of a user interface problem--there's no good reason why "Export STL" should only be available in "Model" mode. But that's the way it is.

Posted : 17/08/2019 5:55 pm
Estimable Member
RE: How exactly do model for MMU? The steps in Fusion just dont work.
Posted by: martin.d17

Hello I wanted to create MMU colorful models, but there is no guide which would work.

In Fusion 360 guide, there is no Save as STL anymore, so not useable, I tried also Make 3D print

(see picture, I already created several bodies, but cant imort them correctly to prusaslicer 2.0)

I also tried to use Meshmixer (see the colors, so it knows there are different parts)

But separate shells create only one shell (all bodies in one) - I used the same file as in Fusion which recognized bodies, but cant export them

Do someone knows a working way to create MMU object (I do not find anything after lot of googling - and I dont want to pay for software until I know it works), and it limites the MMU usage basically to zero. 

New MMU user here myself. I struggled first when putting models into PrusaSlicer because I was trying to add each model. I needed to add only the first model part and pick one that would sit on the bed and then use the load option for each additional model. It worked pretty much like this tutorial (except this is for Slic3r PE):

There's definitely a lack of good tutorials for PrusaSlicer and MMU models or I'm using the wrong search terms.


Posted : 19/08/2019 8:59 pm