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Trouble with infill on Slic3r when printing  

New Member
Trouble with infill on Slic3r when printing

Hi, I've been trying to print a chain using slic3r, but what i suspect might be a bug keep occuring.
The part I'm trying to pring is made out of smaller components. Slicing the object without splitting it first
results in the bug not occuring (Though this makes the part unusable, as all the different components get printed in one part)
See screenshot1;
supports(orange) are generated propperly.

The bug occurs however when the printed part is sliced after using the split comand.
See screenshot2 (notice: there are several parts (Armband));
supports(still orange) intertwine into the part, destroying it when it is printed ).

Can you help me with this problem? Thanks in advance!

Postato : 30/12/2018 12:48 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Trouble with infill on Slic3r when printing

Hi Sindre,

it's difficult to see what you are trying to achieve as we only appear to be able to see one layer...

have you tried support on build plate only?

have you tried printing the parts rotated 90 degrees so that the hinge pins are horizontal rather than vertical?

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 30/12/2018 1:07 am