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Time out issue with MMU2S ?  

New Member
Time out issue with MMU2S ?

Have anyone experied problems with MMU stopping during the printing process, when printing long lasting prints +32t ? Seems like it just unloaded the filament and paused the print. firmware are latest stable. Are there some timeout in the firmware?


Napsal : 12/12/2021 11:04 pm
Active Member
RE: Time out issue with MMU2S ?

Is the filament sensor on the mmu in the right position? 

Sounds like at some point the sensor thinks you run out out filament and unloads. 

You can try to activate "Spool join" if the printer changes the filament during the print, it could come from that.


Napsal : 21/12/2021 8:44 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Time out issue with MMU2S ?

Thanks, I adjusted the filament sensor in MMU. And it worked fine since.


Napsal : 29/12/2021 12:44 am
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