Specify part as wipe object or prevent tool changes?
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Specify part as wipe object or prevent tool changes?  

For Science!
Active Member
Specify part as wipe object or prevent tool changes?

Hello! First post here 🙂

We have a i3 Mk3S setup together with the MMU2s and are interested in printing very organic forms (e.g. Protein structural models). Due to their general lack of flat planes and ample cavities and such, I find the tree supports to be a good way to print them. As per Josef's video, I have been generating tree supports in MeshMixer and importing them into prusaslicer together with the model as an additional part.

I would prefer for the treesupport to be a "wipe object" as it doesn't make sense to waste time and filament on ensuring that the tree supports are one color. I believe PrusaSlicer already does this with its own generated supports. However, as far as I can see, I cannot specify a part within a object to be wiped, only its infill. Importing it as a seperate object places it offset from the actual model and defeats the purpose of using it as support.

Am I missing something, or is there a better way to inform PrusaSlicer that a certain part of an object is actually "Support" and should be printed in that manner (e.g. speed, doesnt change filament, etc).

Thanks in advance

This topic was modified 4 years temu 2 times by For Science!
Opublikowany : 12/06/2021 10:30 am
Eminent Member
RE: Specify part as wipe object or prevent tool changes?

you can probably add a modifier object, make sure it covers the relevant area and then change settings for that specific part of the object, like using different extruder.

for example:

right click object on the right, add modifier (cylinder for example) then on this modifyer, right click on cogwheel then add settings and extruders.

you can use the built in basic shapes as modifier or you can prepare a separate stl file and use it as a modifier mesh.

Opublikowany : 19/06/2021 5:51 pm
New Member
RE: Specify part as wipe object or prevent tool changes?

Oh! okay. that make sense

slope game
Opublikowany : 27/07/2021 4:12 am