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Single Filament Prints fail  

New Member
Single Filament Prints fail

Hello all,

I've been printing face shield frames, the 3dverkstan model as requested by the local hospital. I'm printing them in stacks of 5 using a file I created and my MK3S with MMU2S in the single filament mode. For some reason the MMU seems to throw an error at the same layer every print. Its always half way through the last frame in the stack. It says the mmu needs user attention or remove old filament. Only once did filament appear to actually be stuck. My only guess was a false reading by the optical filament sensor, but I've now changed filament and resliced the file a couple of times with the same result every print. I'm not sure why it would be retracting the filament anyways or why the mmu would even be in use during a single filament print. I've heard other reports of this happening at the very end of a print, but for me this happens mid print. Its towards the end but definitely not the last layer. I'm not really sure where to begin trouble shooting and would to hear everyone's thoughts. Any help is greatly appreciated and I can include any additional information or files that may help in troubleshooting the issue. I would really like to get this fixed so the frames print all the way through. Its slowing me down quite a bit since I don't always catch it right away.  That and my dog is terrified of the beep so he hides in his crate when I'm not home. 

Opublikowany : 12/05/2020 1:58 am