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PrusaSlicer MMU2S .8mm Nozzle Profile Missing.  

Active Member
PrusaSlicer MMU2S .8mm Nozzle Profile Missing.

Hello, recently I downloaded the  2.4 Alpha to use with my .8mm nozzle. However, when I go to add a pre-set and select the MKS3+ MMU2S and choose the .8mm nozzle, it loads the printer, but only gives me the profile  "Original Prusa i3 MK3S & MK3S+ Single 0.8 Nozzle."

When running with .4 and .6 nozzles it allows me to actually use the MMU (5 extruders through a single one).

Even if I go to printer settings and manually set the number of extruders to 5 and select "Single Extruder Multi Material", it only loads 5 filaments on the program and there are no "Print Settings" available.

I have attempted this on the official 2.3.3 and the same thing happens.

I have tried to just load the .6mm nozzle profile, but there are so many things wrong and the prints come out terrible.

Now, granted I'm not currently doing anything MM with .8mm yet, but I would like to be able to. Is this a bug or a feature?

Veröffentlicht : 10/09/2021 4:18 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:


Veröffentlicht : 10/09/2021 4:22 pm
Reputable Member

That profile is missing because Prusa doesn't support printing multi materials with an 0,8mm nozzle (just like with an 0.25mm nozzle and with some filaments)


If you want to use them you can, but will have to make your own profiles.

Veröffentlicht : 11/09/2021 9:49 am