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PRUSA MMU2S cannot be connected on my computer.  

Roko Lukenda
New Member
PRUSA MMU2S cannot be connected on my computer.
I bought the MMU2S extension directly from the Prusa factory. Natsvak came to me on Friday, October 23, 2020. I put it all together according to the instructions from the Prusa page. After assembling, the connection to the laptop came. MMU2s were initially initially lit by all five leds floes, later one. I tried to connect mmu2s to the computer several times, but I didn't. I uninstalled and reinstalled everything from the slicer to the new firmware on the mk3s printer, but I didn't get it. After that the mmu2s went out and never lit up again since then. After that I opened and inspected the signal cable from mmu2s to PINDA on the printer and found that one wire was not working. With the help of tools and a multimeter, I laid the same new wire and continued everything according to the instructions. Unfortunately, that didn't scare either. Does anyone have an idea how to solve the problem?
Napsal : 25/10/2020 12:16 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: PRUSA MMU2S cannot be connected on my computer.
Posted by: @roko-lukenda
I bought the MMU2S extension directly from the Prusa factory. Natsvak came to me on Friday, October 23, 2020. I put it all together according to the instructions from the Prusa page. After assembling, the connection to the laptop came. MMU2s were initially initially lit by all five leds floes, later one. I tried to connect mmu2s to the computer several times, but I didn't. I uninstalled and reinstalled everything from the slicer to the new firmware on the mk3s printer, but I didn't get it. After that the mmu2s went out and never lit up again since then. After that I opened and inspected the signal cable from mmu2s to PINDA on the printer and found that one wire was not working. With the help of tools and a multimeter, I laid the same new wire and continued everything according to the instructions. Unfortunately, that didn't scare either. Does anyone have an idea how to solve the problem?

Hello and welcome to the Prusaforum!

It's best to check all lines and plug contacts twice from the printer to the MMU2. It is also important that you install the correct firmware. There is a difference between MK3 and MK3S. To flash the firmware you need a USB cable for the printer and one for the MMU2. Latest firmware for the printer is 3.9.1 and for the MMU2 1.0.6. Prusa has written very good instructions. Follow them exactly, step by step and check everything again. After flashing the firmware, the MMU2 should be visible in the printer LCD. If it says N/A then something is wrong.
In case of trouble you can also use the chat (log in with your Prusaaccount and choose eshop. After that the chat window will open after a few seconds).
Good luck!


Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Napsal : 25/10/2020 6:10 pm