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PreHeat Error MK3S V3.6fw  

Pepe LePew
Eminent Member
PreHeat Error MK3S V3.6fw

Sorry if this turns into a long post.
So last night I had a Pre Heat Error during a print.
I found some troubleshooting guides to test this but it was late
and needed to go to bed.
I have been noticing some temp fluctuations recently and it seems out of the blue.
But then again I have been focused more on print quality and the overall functionality
of the MK3S rather than looking at the temps on the display so maybe this has been the case from day 1.
I only see this when the fan kicks into "over drive" and the print is really rocking and rolling.
During normal prints (less than 80ms) my temps seems to maintain.
I am also using Slic3rPE Beta1.
One thing I have noticed is the fan shroud seems to be blowing more on the heat
block than it does on the actual nozzle.
In my eyes when that nozzle fan kicks into over drive I feel it could affect the
temps on the thermistor and heater, would anyone disagree? Is there another duct option for the MK3S?

So I did some testing, if I manually reduce the fan speed (by default the display shows 255)
to around 200 the temps stabilize and all goes well. I also tested reducing the speed manually
to like 80% instead of 100%.
During these tests temps maintained within 2 degrees. Under normal operations I seen temps
on Hot End drop as much as 10 to 11 degrees.
So as per speed, by default Slic3rPE is set to 200ms for Infill and Solid Infill, I will be reducing this
however for fan speed I need some help understanding what I am seeing.
In the Prusa Display it shows fan speed is at 255.
In Slic3rPE I only see 2 settings for fan speed...MIN and MAX, I do see Cooling Thresholds setting
but not sure how to interact with those...
Anyway as per MIN and MAX, if I reduce both, lets say MIN to 50% and MAX to 75% will I see
a reduction on the 255?
BTW I have both Keep Fan Always On and Enable Auto Cooling checked.
Sorry to bounce around so much but I'm new to Slic3rPE and would like some advice
as per settings having to do with this situation.
Like I said under a normal print I have had zero problems with temp but will take the advice of
the thread I found for troubleshooting the PreHeat Error.
Thanks for your time

Postato : 16/04/2019 2:54 pm
Re: PreHeat Error MK3S V3.6fw

Preheat error - I had this error but mine was due to a broken headbed wire. I had to replace it.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 16/04/2019 3:54 pm
Pepe LePew
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: PreHeat Error MK3S V3.6fw

I read there are 2 errors, one that is for hot end (PreHeat Error) and one for Bed (Bed Preheat Error)
Im having the hotend error.
It only happened once so far

Postato : 16/04/2019 4:07 pm
Re: PreHeat Error MK3S V3.6fw

I read there are 2 errors, one that is for hot end (PreHeat Error) and one for Bed (Bed Preheat Error)
Im having the hotend error.
It only happened once so far

It is probably not a broken wire, but keep this in the back of your mind if it happens again.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 17/04/2019 1:05 am
RE: PreHeat Error MK3S V3.6fw

Now, I am getting a "Bed Preheat Error" intermittently.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 30/07/2019 12:19 pm
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: PreHeat Error MK3S V3.6fw

look for intermittent connections to either the bed heater or thermister

Postato : 30/07/2019 1:22 pm