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New MMU2s build with IR sensor problems  

New Member
New MMU2s build with IR sensor problems

Just got done building the MMU2s and now its having problems.  I have followed the instructions to the T and now Im getting random problems with the IR sensor.  When I try to start a print it just sits there and does nothing.  Then it says fix MMU.  I dig around for a bit and finally check under the support menu the sensors and the IR sensor reads N/A. I take the sensor out and put it back in then I get a reading of 0 or 1 depending on position.  Then a print will work.  Try again and same problem.  I have replaced the sensor with my old one that was working perfect with the MK3S version.  Old sensor in and still same problem. It reads N/A.  Do I try replacing the wire next?

Publié : 09/08/2019 5:12 am
Noble Member
RE: New MMU2s build with IR sensor problems

Yeah that sounds like a wire or plug issue.

First thing is to check both ends and make sure the plugs are seated and oriented properly. Also make sure the wires are secure to the plug. 

If there is nothing obvious there, then you may have a broken wire.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Publié : 09/08/2019 12:58 pm
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