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[MMU2S] Selector issue  

New Member
[MMU2S] Selector issue


I have some trouble with my MMU2S kit. I already contact the prusa support by mail but they didn't solve my issue, so maybe other users had the same issue and can help me.

I received my MMU2S in January 2020 and it works fines for about 2 months. I didn't use it a lot : only 2 multicolor prints of 20 hours each and maybe 5 or 6 prints in single mode.

Then, at the begining of a single mode print, the selector motor doesn't move. I follow the procedure of the handbook about fail during loading : I cleaned everything and diassembled the motor to check if the selector can move freely and it does.

Then I contacted the support which asked me to reset all data of my printer and the MMU kit and reflash all the firmwarre which I do ... twice.

The selector motor still doesn't move. But during the initialization procedure, the idler do. So I switch the idler and selector motor on the board. The selector motor (connected to the idler port) moved. So I think the motor is in good shape.

Based on that, Prusa send me a new electronic board and a new power cable. I replaced both item, reflash both firmware and reset all data the printer and the MMU2S kit.

The problem is even worth, now nothing move (even the idler and the pulley motor).

I am running out of idea to troubleshoot this issue ...

Best Regards,


Veröffentlicht : 16/08/2020 4:52 pm
Famed Member
RE: [MMU2S] Selector issue

I would suggest working with support, being very assertive if necessary, and escalating to a higher level if it looks like things are not moving.  Let them know that this is 'one ticket that will not be closed' until it is working properly.

Veröffentlicht : 16/08/2020 5:26 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: [MMU2S] Selector issue
Posted by: @remy-l3


I have some trouble with my MMU2S kit. I already contact the prusa support by mail but they didn't solve my issue, so maybe other users had the same issue and can help me.

I received my MMU2S in January 2020 and it works fines for about 2 months. I didn't use it a lot : only 2 multicolor prints of 20 hours each and maybe 5 or 6 prints in single mode.

Then, at the begining of a single mode print, the selector motor doesn't move. I follow the procedure of the handbook about fail during loading : I cleaned everything and diassembled the motor to check if the selector can move freely and it does.

Then I contacted the support which asked me to reset all data of my printer and the MMU kit and reflash all the firmwarre which I do ... twice.

The selector motor still doesn't move. But during the initialization procedure, the idler do. So I switch the idler and selector motor on the board. The selector motor (connected to the idler port) moved. So I think the motor is in good shape.

Based on that, Prusa send me a new electronic board and a new power cable. I replaced both item, reflash both firmware and reset all data the printer and the MMU2S kit.

The problem is even worth, now nothing move (even the idler and the pulley motor).

I am running out of idea to troubleshoot this issue ...

Best Regards,


You could try the following before contacting support:

- MMU2 factory reset and reflash FW
- Check the data line (RX/TX)
- Check if MMU is displayed in the LCD incl. FW version

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Veröffentlicht : 16/08/2020 6:45 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: [MMU2S] Selector issue

Thank you for your reply.

Reset and reflash the MMU => done
FW version displayed on the printer LCD => Yes (1.0.6-372)

I checked the signal cable on both side and during the next power up, the iddler get completely crasy (lot louder and quicker than usual).

During the homing procedure, the iddler find his endstop on both way. The selector move very slowly on both direction but only 1 or 2 mm.

After the homing processure, all the MMU unit works the wrong way. When I click the right button (to move the selector from filament 1 to filament 2), the iddler turn in the wrong direction and hit his endstop and the selector move very very slowly, on the right.

Veröffentlicht : 16/08/2020 9:29 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: [MMU2S] Selector issue



I fund the issue. The selector and idler motor was inverted.

For the communication issue, I still don't know why. Maybe a bad contact.



Veröffentlicht : 19/08/2020 6:05 pm