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mmu2s mk3s exttruder loading failure.  

Trusted Member
mmu2s mk3s exttruder loading failure.

What I have observed:

MM2S is changing between the two printing filaments. Sometimes, when the filament is transported into the extruder, there is a sound, when the filament is going through the Gears. There is a knick knack, klack sometimes softer sometimes harder. If it is a hard knack, the material is returned to the MMU2S an reloaded. I think then the printer retries. If this failes, a red led in the mmu2s failed slot is lit, the print is paused (cooling down)

first question: how can I reload the filament correctly?
If I press the middle button, the led blink red / green. What does this mean?

Is there an 1.0.6 Firmware complete LED blinking-code-description out there?

How can I avoid the knick, knack sound in the extruder, which causes the error?

THX for help - Carsten

This topic was modified před 5 years 2 times by PPRRUUSSAA
Napsal : 19/10/2019 10:49 pm
Active Member
RE: mmu2s mk3s exttruder loading failure.

I have experienced the same thing.

IMHO this is when the filament is not being grabbred properly by the gears.

Unloading happens because the filament sensor detects that the filament wasn't properly loaded and retries.

Have you fine tuned your filament sensor. You can see the status in the LCD : Support | Sensor info. The IR sensor must not toggle between 0 and 1 quickly but stay at 1 as soon as the filament gets pushed into the gears. Once it has been pushed in the gears will push it back a little, check that it is still loaded (sensor info : 1) and then advance it for printing.

I solved my issues by using a mod (chimney and different door):

If you really want to know what is going on look at this:

nikolai-r on this forum recently said this:

Fail info is usually coming from the MMU. fast red blink = unload issue, slow red blink = load issue.

The reason why need to be investigated. Assuming you have everything perfectly assembled and had working before with MK3s, most common errors are:

  1. IR sensor not perfectly calibrated
  2. IR sensor not perfectly calibrated
  3. IR sensor not perfectly calibrated
  4. Screw tension on MMU and Extruder is not perfectly calibrated
  5. Too hot filament temperature/bad filament causing  bad filament tip

Hope that helps for the first investigation.

This post was modified před 5 years by shilbert
Napsal : 20/10/2019 5:16 am