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MMU2S load failed  

New Member
MMU2S load failed

Hello, Im experiencing error "MMU2S load failed" quite often and I would like to ask about possible solutions. I figured and read about multiple possible reasons for this error, like that filament wont reach ir sensor because of...whatever, thats not what I want to discuss. I want to discuss the situation where filament actually reaches ir sensor but then MMU2S unit sometimes decides it is not correctly loaded and unloads it, tries it again and then it sometimes decides again that it is not loaded correctly and it gives me this filament load error. I figured that this usually happens when the filament tip has a narrow region after "normal" sized tip so the ir sensor firstly gives logic 1, but then it gives logic 0 again. I mean, sure, it is not ideal situation, but it shouldnt be reason for filament load error. If the printer would push this not ideal tip into the nozzle, it would be probably allright. So, my question first question, is there a way how to set the number of trials for filament load? I would prefer more than two, because sometimes when MMU2S asks for help with filament load it is enough to press the button and it suddenly loads OK which means that maybe the third attempt would be already successful. Secondly, I get that the deformed filament tip which has a narrow part after a normal sized part which gives this ir sensor signal 1 followed by 0 would likely not load because extruder gears might not take it in that narrow part, but knowing this issue one could push the filament a little further using the MMU2S gears so that the narrow part of the tip would make it behind the extruder gears and then the filament would load successfully...That was my thought when I experienced this issue, but you should know more, so, any ideas to solve this? Thank you for your reply...

Postato : 05/08/2019 7:20 am
New Member
RE: MMU2S load failed

I have seen this behavior a few times, as far as I can recall always on potentially dicey filament, so your diagnosis seems reasonable. 

Have you tried adjusting the IR probe so it triggers on slightly thinner filament?

Mine triggers reliably with a 1.5 mm hex wrench, if your filament diameter is getting less than that you could try adjusting the tool change parameters, maybe start with # of cooling moves/unloading speed at the start.

Postato : 11/08/2019 2:41 pm