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MMU2S - how to roll back help  

Active Member
MMU2S - how to roll back help

Hi here I am after hours and hours spent in looking for some way to make the MMU2 working i decided to give it up.

I decided so because on top of not being able to print in multi material (it was clear by the beginning that it was a fake) now the printer has became totally unreliable also on a single filament. In other words useless.

Is there a way to easily roll back to MK3S? Is it enough to dismantle MMU2 upper block and update the firmware to MK3S (keeping the extruder as it is)?

Here guys the word "easily" is key. Because if i have to spend more hours in rework it, i will simply trash it and buy a new one (surely not from prusa)



This topic was modified před 6 years 2 times by fcampanini
Napsal : 21/07/2019 7:45 pm
Noble Member
RE: MMU2S - how to roll back help

Disconnect it from the Rambo and disconnect the PTFE from the extruder. The only difference from a true MK3S is the placement of the IR sensor which has 2 effects. The first is that the auto-load function won't be tripped until the filament is pushed into the gears. Second is that if you do let it run out of filament, the stub will already be past the gears which means you'll need to load more and push the stub on through the nozzle.

Regardless if you leave the tower or convert the extruder to the true MK3S, you don't need to change the firmware as it is all the same with and without the MMU.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Napsal : 21/07/2019 8:40 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU2S - how to roll back help

Thanks so much gnat for your answer.

Just to be sure... the sensor unit is the same? I mean as you said just the positioning is different?

thanks again 


Napsal : 21/07/2019 8:57 pm
Noble Member
RE: MMU2S - how to roll back help

Yes just the position is different if you just want to print as a MK3S.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Napsal : 21/07/2019 9:33 pm