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MMU2 Single Mode: NO Cooldown Moves  

Active Member
MMU2 Single Mode: NO Cooldown Moves

Dear All

It took me the best of Christmas holidays trying to solve all my various MMU2 Problems.
Techsupport (which is excellent by the way) did what they could but still two major problems are not solved.
The major problem is MMU2 single mode. By using this and believe me I did 5 factory resets, install of various firmware and slicer versions and still there is nothing like the cool down move with nice filament retraction done in single mode.
Trying everything I gave up and sorted to this solution.
I have designed a one layer 1x1xm object and add this to any single object print I want to make. Then I choose multi material printing and assign different filament (the best Filament No.1) to single layer object.
A waste tower is made of exactly one layer AND at the end of the print a correct cool down move and filament retraction is done.
That's not really elegant but there was no other way I found. Because Filament stringing residues in Single mode was already blocking FINDA

Does anybody have the same problems, What are your solutions?

Best wishes


Publié : 29/12/2018 10:19 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MMU2 Single Mode: NO Cooldown Moves

Sorry I forgot, MK2.5 with MMU2 Fw: 3.5.1 and 1.0.3

Publié : 29/12/2018 10:32 am
Noble Member
Re: MMU2 Single Mode: NO Cooldown Moves

Does anybody have the same problems, What are your solutions?

Hello Sasha,

The long string is a result of very small object you're printing and high nozzle temperature.
In Single mode I don't care about a nice tip. As long as it ejects after the print, everything is fine. There is no limit yourself in slicer settings for the single mode print.

The solution is pretty simple. Clean up after the print manually.
Print with any settings in single mode and after the print has finished, just move the selector to the side, push the filament slightly through and make a nice cut. Don't forget to push it slightly back again.

Often linked posts:
Going small with MMU2
Real Multi Material
My prints on Instagram

Publié : 29/12/2018 11:37 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MMU2 Single Mode: NO Cooldown Moves

Dear Nikolai

Thanks for the answer, but.

Filament strings are sometimes quite long (as long as the tube to the exrtruder) and very thin, I realized this problem when my tube was full of filament residues. I do not understand why it is not possible to add the same cool down procedure to single mode gcode?


Publié : 30/12/2018 4:22 pm
Noble Member
Re: MMU2 Single Mode: NO Cooldown Moves

I do not understand why it is not possible to add the same cool down procedure to single mode gcode?

If you use Slic3r, it is there. Just make sure you drop your nozzle temperature to something where your filament doesn't make strings and adjust the tool change parameter in the filament section (copy it from MMU filament).

Make sure, you don't print too hot. In this case no cooling will help you to avoid strings.

Often linked posts:
Going small with MMU2
Real Multi Material
My prints on Instagram

Publié : 30/12/2018 6:42 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MMU2 Single Mode: NO Cooldown Moves

Dear Nikolai

Thanks, but that is exactly my problem, whatever I do, already have updated and downgraded and updated everything 4 to 5 times, but the 4 cool down moves I added will not be executed. But I will look into this tool change menu again maybe here is the problem
MMU2 is behaving like a diva always looking for new ways to get attention 😀 😡 💡 😮

happy new year to all of you


Publié : 31/12/2018 3:38 pm
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