MMU2 pritable parts. Printing fails. Bridging issue.
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[Gelöst] MMU2 pritable parts. Printing fails. Bridging issue.  

New Member
MMU2 pritable parts. Printing fails. Bridging issue.

Hi everyone.
I'm trying to print the parts for the MMU2. Some parts have squares on the bottom. Do those have a purpose? When i try to print, it will print the first layer and then it will have to bridge that square what results in a failed print every time. Printing in PETG tried every setting between 210 and 235C but it still can't bridge those squares. Fans peed is at 30-40% if i go higher i run into thermal runaway problems 

What are those squares for?
Is the object oriented wrong for printing? Do i need any special settings? 

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 6 years von hdrodel
Veröffentlicht : 04/06/2019 12:55 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: MMU2 pritable parts. Printing fails. Bridging issue.

So i finally succeeded in printing this. 
I used the settings from the Pretty PETG v3 profile.I think the settings that helped most were the bridging angle of 0deg and also bridging speed and extrusion multiplier. What also helped is rotating the part 90deg so the cooling fan blows from the side as it prints the bridges 

Veröffentlicht : 06/06/2019 4:23 am
New Member
RE: MMU2 pritable parts. Printing fails. Bridging issue.

I'm hear from the future to say this is still a problem and the answer is: Thick Bridges. You want it enabled. 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 05/05/2022 4:38 pm