MMU2 Power Fails, Flashing Red/Green on all 5 LED's
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MMU2 Power Fails, Flashing Red/Green on all 5 LED's  

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MMU2 Power Fails, Flashing Red/Green on all 5 LED's

"MMU2 unit can now deal with a state where Trinamic drivers were not able to provide enough power for steppers. A possible cause can be broken MMU2 power supply wiring, connectors etc. If this state is detected the MMU2 unit rehomes and automatically continues printing. If the problem occurs three times in a row, the MMU2 unit stops printing and starts flashing continuously with red and green LEDs. Also, MMU2 unit stores information about all drive errors into its memory and the total number of drive errors can be shown in the menu "Fail Stats MMU -> Total" as item "MMU power fails" (printer FW 3.5.2-RC1 and higher)."

This is exactly what is happening to my MMU2.

Checking the Fail Stats menu for the MMU2, immediately after having a failure on a print, I now have 21 MMU power failures.

I went into the box and reseated the power cables just incase. I then double-checked each of the connectors on the board of the MMU2, but the error is still happening.

What else can I do to check that the steppers are getting enough power? I've reflashed the latest MK3/MMU2 (no S) firmware many times today. I wasn't able to get an estimated shipping date for my replacement FINDA, so I'm stuck...

Using the latest non-S firmware on both MMU2 and MK3. Currently awaiting a replacement FINDA, and the MK3S/MMU2S upgrade kit.

Publié : 28/03/2019 10:52 am
RE: MMU2 Power Fails, Flashing Red/Green on all 5 LED's

I'm having this same issue.

Publié : 20/06/2020 5:09 am
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