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Load filament during print suddenly not possible  

Estimable Member
Load filament during print suddenly not possible

The following happened to me at least two times on a 10 hour print:

MMU is in the state of red led flashing fast. Let’s say led 4. The selector is not at 4 (e.g. 1)
The tips are looking fine. There are no strings etc. in the filament path. Everything looks fine.

Filament 1, where the selector is, is placed by the printer so much back that it can’t grab it anymore.

Pressing button 1 on MMU -> tries to UNLOAD filament for a short time.
Pressing button 2 on MMU -> tries to UNLOAD filament for a long time.
Pressing button 3 on MMU -> tries to UNLOAD filament for a long time.

What am I doing wrong here ?

Napsal : 28/10/2018 9:13 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Load filament during print suddenly not possible

If the filament is pulled too far back, that means that the last time it was unloaded the Finda ball didn't drop when the tip passed the ball. This can be from several things:
- badly adjusted finda (seems unlikely)
- string on the tip being unloaded (common)
- previous strings or hairs or other debris that have built up in the selector hole (less common)

The thing to focus on is the finda ball. Pull off the orange tube and make sure there is no debris in that hole. stick filament in and make sure the ball moves freely.

Napsal : 28/10/2018 10:07 pm