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Filament loads but doesn’t print  

New Member
Filament loads but doesn’t print

My filament is loading through the PTFE and going just fine. All 5 of them make it fully through the PTFE and the PINDA, FINDA, and IR sensors all read “1” but when the extruder begins to move around and continue to “print” nothing gets extruded. The first layer prints fine but once the first switch happens it doesn’t print the other colors but loads them fine. It also doesn’t print the same color of the first layer again when it circles back to that color again. I’m thinking it’s because I need to update firmware of my printer and of my MMU2S because they are both old but I cant do this for another week or so. My printer firmware is 3.9.3 and MMU2S firmware is 1.0.6. 

Edit: When I do load to nozzle tests when loading the filaments they change filament just fine. Just doesn’t work during printing. 

Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 3 years par Kurt_710
Publié : 20/07/2022 5:28 am
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