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Check Sensor Status while loading  

Eminent Member
Check Sensor Status while loading

Like everyone else I am having one hell of a time getting my MMU2S to actually load filament.  Right now it has a less that 10% success rate.  It typically loads to the nozzle waits a couple of seconds and unloads.  I have done the IR calibration and when I insert the 1.75 hex it triggers .  My question is how can I check the sensor status while running Load to Nozzle?  I can't back out of the menu and go to the sensor settings. 

Is there a way to view it in the OctoPrint Terminal or some other method?

Posted : 10/07/2019 2:56 pm
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: Check Sensor Status while loading

the best way - but requires some modification is add a LED to the sensor board ( or cable ) to show the realtime state of the sensor ( like the Pinda/Finda do)


Posted : 10/07/2019 3:22 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Check Sensor Status while loading

I would prefer not to solder anything on my brand new machine.   Any other methods?  Even if it's more "involved"

Posted : 10/07/2019 3:27 pm
Noble Member
RE: Check Sensor Status while loading

The problem with a solution that does not involve solder (e.g. you could wrap a lead around the appropriate pins and then have it held in place by the sensor cable plug) is that it would possibly allow movement as the extruder moves around. So then are you chasing real false runout issues or just a bad connection for your LED?

As far as getting the state from OctoPrint, it does not appear so. Looking at the firmware the only place where it's state is read for more than an if check is for the Sensor status option in the menu and that is interacting with it directly rather than through gcode. Disappointing, but in reality you would not be able to query the status and get the answer fast enough to be sure of the result. Looking at the firmware, even watching the Sensor status values is not going to be be 100% as it is using a polling method (e.g. the state could flicker off and back on between poll events). A soldered LED is going to be the only way to be positive of the state.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Posted : 10/07/2019 4:34 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Check Sensor Status while loading

Oof..... I suppose solder it is then.  Though I don't have any SMD LED's handy. Well trimmed through holes might suffice. 

Posted : 10/07/2019 4:39 pm
Active Member
RE: Check Sensor Status while loading

You should be able to use the lcd menu to get into the sensor screen while the printer is warming up after initiating a print or even during the bed leveling check prior to loading the filament from mmu2 to extruder nozzle, just go Support -> Sensor info?  I don't understand why you cant get out of the menus to get there, I did it all the time when troubleshooting my IR sensor?

Posted : 11/07/2019 4:17 am
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: Check Sensor Status while loading

or just splice into the sensor harness with a thru hole resister and led and some heatshrink


Posted : 11/07/2019 4:45 am