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When did the MMU2S get 'Possessed'????  

Honorable Member
When did the MMU2S get 'Possessed'????

TLDR; Why does it seem that the firmware is the issue?  The MMU2s seems not to know what filament it is on?

We all know the MMU was never ready for prime time- a bridge too far.  But I was always able to use it as a 'carousel' to have different filaments at the ready for a print- nice in a dry climate like Denver.  I always had material handling issues, but those I worked through- ensuring engagnement of the spindle, replacing the weak spindle, playing with fitings and tubing to get fat tips to feed better.  Last year I got it to where I could expect to do small two-material prints of a few hours with a 50% success rate.

I don't know what happened, but the damn thing won't even load the fillament now.  It seems to not know or care where it is on the filament selector.  It will light up that it is on #1 and be on #3.  It seems to have no interest in zeroing out, and when it does, it gets 'lost' and goes all blinky.

Prusa says that they have worked on the firmware. I don't see it.  The firmware, not the hardware, is the issue now.

Napsal : 29/10/2022 3:13 pm