Uncommanded Filament Change with MK3S and MMU2 with 3.13.0 Firmware Upgrades
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Uncommanded Filament Change with MK3S and MMU2 with 3.13.0 Firmware Upgrades  

Active Member
Uncommanded Filament Change with MK3S and MMU2 with 3.13.0 Firmware Upgrades

I have hit an issue that doesn't make any sense at all. Using the 2.6.0 Prusaslicer with the printer selected as "MK3S / MMUS2S Single" to generate the g-code for the STL I imported. There are no errors generated during the slicing or g-code generation. I copied the g-code file to the SD card and start the job using Filament 1. Everything works great for about 10-14 hours of the 29.5 hour job. For some reason (I'm assuming), the g-code tells the MMU to change filaments unnecessarily given only a single filament is being used. When commanded it unloads the filament and then cannot reload it with an error about the FINDA didn't detect the filament. This has happened twice and I even regenerated the g-code in case there was an error introduced. One time it actually changed to a different color (from black to gray) and material (PETG to PLA) (see the attached photo).

I just don't understand why the filament change is happening when there is plenty of the correct filament remaining. This is the first time I've tried to print this design and the first job for the new 3.13.0 firmware upgrade as well.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Kent.

Napsal : 28/08/2023 1:01 am
Active Member
RE: Uncommanded Filament Change with MK3S and MMU2 with 3.13.0 Firmware Upgrades

I have the same issue.  I have the latest firmware for the MMU and the MK3S+.  After loading a filament to the extruder, mine wants to immediately change filament, fails to retract the filament completely and the MMMU2 jams against the unretracted filament.  If I manually pull the filament back in time so it doesn't jam, it will try to reload and then I get the FINDA didn't detect the the filament error.  I think mine thinks I am out of filament and wants me to change spools.  I adjusted the FINDA at the top of the extruder so it is sensing the filament but the problem still persists.  I am waiting for my MK4  and MMU3 upgrade so I was just going to wait it out and see what happens.  Interesting to see sombody else have a similar problem.

Napsal : 28/08/2023 6:59 am