Suggestion: MMU2 Buttons: How they could be much easier to use!
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Suggestion: MMU2 Buttons: How they could be much easier to use!  

Estimable Member
Suggestion: MMU2 Buttons: How they could be much easier to use!

I find the modal MMU buttons to be extremely confusing because they are modal. And, they can't easily accomplish simple things like loading the filament all the way.

It would be possible for the three buttons to be very useful and understandable if they were implemented this way:

Button 1: Load Filament

Single Click: Load Filament up to MMU.

Double Click or Loooong Click: Load Filament up to Hot End.

Button 2: Unload Filament

Click: Unload Filament from hot end up to MMU.

Double Click or Lo0ooong Click: Unload Filament all the way, out of the MMU.

Button 3: Select Filament:

Allow 1~5 clicks to select filament 1~5. Three clicks would select filament three. Single click would select filament 1. Any necessary loading or unloading would take place to accomplish this.

Reset MMU:

Press and hold all three buttons for a couple of seconds. It would then re-home, and re-calibrate.


This would allow users to always know what to do and to be able to load, unload, and manage the MMU easily.


Respondido : 06/03/2020 9:52 pm