Please keep the hotend hot when "The MMU needs attention".
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Please keep the hotend hot when "The MMU needs attention".  

Sean Roach
Eminent Member
Please keep the hotend hot when "The MMU needs attention".

Every now and then, I'll get up in the morning to find that my printer had a problem in the night, and it wants me to tinker with the MMU2 before it can resume. OFTEN, the only problem that I can find is that the MMU2 can't pull the filament out of the now-cooled hot-end.

Unfortunately, I haven't, yet, figured out how to talk the printer into heating the hot-end back up, so I can let the MMU2 retract the filament. I end up taking the Bowden tube off the extruder and doing a cold pull, then trimming off the end of the filament that was in the extruder. After that, the MMU2 will work fine.

From this repeated experience, there needs to be an option to heat up the hot-end, as a preparatory step to messing with the MMU2.


Postato : 08/05/2022 9:56 pm
Noble Member
RE: Please keep the hotend hot when "The MMU needs attention".
Posted by: @sean-roach

Unfortunately, I haven't, yet, figured out how to talk the printer into heating the hot-end back up, so I can let the MMU2 retract the filament.

Press the selector button on the printer and that will start it heating back up again so you can mess with the MMU and get it printing again.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Postato : 09/05/2022 6:18 pm