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[Oben angepinnt] Original Prusa i3 MMU2S vs MMU2 + important links  

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Trusted Member
RE: Original Prusa i3 MMU2S vs MMU2 + important links

MMU2S -assembly- manual  to print is missing!!!

We all sure that a ass. manual is needed.
But it does not come with the kit...

Because some people have a problem with this issue:

1. not everybody has a computer at his workbench
2.  not everybody has a huge computer table (in the living room, baby room...) with space for assembly.
3. not everybody has a laptop to place near the assembly workbench.
4. not everybody has internet access (all the time)!

This manal...- where you need a computer to read- is written in f*@k# java. No way to print.
For me I'm not able to assemble the kit now.

Not good, I'm not happy.




Veröffentlicht : 21/08/2020 3:18 pm
Moderator Moderator
RE: Original Prusa i3 MMU2S vs MMU2 + important links

Have you reached out to Prusa directly via the online chat or an email?

Veröffentlicht : 21/08/2020 3:42 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Original Prusa i3 MMU2S vs MMU2 + important links

I'm not the only one who asks & needs a print to take with.
I pay for it, I buy the printer, the paper and the printer colors.
Sure, a online version is easy to update and good for customer.  If I print an older one from somewhere else... my fault, my problem.

Josef, as a business owner with direct customers, today I give you 0 of 5 stars.


Veröffentlicht : 21/08/2020 7:18 pm
Famed Member
RE: Original Prusa i3 MMU2S vs MMU2 + important links

I made hardcopy prints of a few of the assembly steps that were a bit tricky, such as the surgery on the extruder, and it worked fine, at least on my system.

Veröffentlicht : 21/08/2020 8:19 pm
Active Member
I cannot make the MMU2S work for me.

i want my money back mr prusa. spend money and time with that Censored  mmu2s . 🤨 🤨 🤨 🤨 

Pablo wishes to describe his dissatisfaction with the product in strong terms.  however this family is accessible to children and bars foul language
Edited by Joan. 

Veröffentlicht : 27/12/2020 8:24 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Original Prusa i3 MMU2S vs MMU2 + important links

I haven't touched 2 of my MK3S  (one of them was original MK3 with upgraded to MK3S) for, maybe, 1 1/2 year. I already ordered MK3S+ upgrade kit for both printers. I have MMU2 on my MK3S upgraded printer - but I'm not sure if it's MMU2 or MMU2S. How do I identify whether it is MMU2 or MMU2S?

Thank you.

Veröffentlicht : 12/06/2021 3:41 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Original Prusa i3 MMU2S vs MMU2 + important links


Jakub has already written something about this:



Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Veröffentlicht : 12/06/2021 3:55 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Original Prusa i3 MMU2S vs MMU2 + important links

Thanks, Karl. 

I'm trying to remember, I wasn't sure if I bought original MMU2 and then upgraded to MMU2S. I would assume that I still have same. Since it explained some in original post, I had to look up the MMU2S version MK3S extruder. It seems I have MMU2S. 

Plus, I remember that I struggled to get MMU2S to work and gave up. Now, I'm wondering with new version of MK3S+ would improve my chance to get MMU2S to work? 

Veröffentlicht : 12/06/2021 6:30 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Original Prusa i3 MMU2S vs MMU2 + important links


"Now, I'm wondering with new version of MK3S+ would improve my chance to get MMU2S to work? "

I would just test it. It is important that you have the correct firmware installed



Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Veröffentlicht : 12/06/2021 8:46 pm
New Member
RE: Original Prusa i3 MMU2S vs MMU2 + important links

Have an MMU2S with what are the usual problems:

    Selector does not move or moves to wrong  or odd positions to load filament.

    Constant request for user intervention.

    Inability to correct problem or satisfy MMU that the problem has been been corrected.

    Inability to Flash MMU Firmware.

What's needed:

    Updated Firmware that will focus on moving selector to correct filament loading position.

    Hopefully this can be accomplished with a Firmware Software patch but if not an upgraded MMU 2Scontrol board.

What immediate action to take:

    We have temporarily removed the MMU 2S from our i3MK3S+ printer. The printer is still World Class.

   Cabling, Plugs,  Festo couplers  and PTFE tubing remain attached to the removed MMU 2S unit.

    The i3MK3S+ printer in now usable and the MMU 2S unit can be quickly reattached to the printer.

 We anxiously await MMU 2S updates to produce a truly great Multi Material printing experience.

Veröffentlicht : 27/06/2021 3:35 am
Reputable Member
RE: Original Prusa i3 MMU2S vs MMU2 + important links

I think Prusa is working on a new firmware, but with the firmware we have right now the MMU should work.

What helped me with a few strange problems that popped up every now and than was to re install the firmware in the printer and the MMU.


And of course make sure your your FINDA and filament sensor are correctly adjusted.

Veröffentlicht : 27/06/2021 1:15 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Original Prusa i3 MMU2S vs MMU2 + important links


Another cause for this misbehavior could be bad or too long data or voltage wires (or loose connector contacts). Furthermore, the MMU2 does not like temperatures above 40 degrees C., so it's better to install it outside of a possibly existing enclosure.



Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Veröffentlicht : 27/06/2021 2:00 pm
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