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Not Loading MMU2S  

Active Member
Not Loading MMU2S

Hey guys ,

first time help request here

I flashed the new firmware , and ran all the calibrations ,

checked all the sensors all are operational and working without issues 


I can load filament to the MMU2

but when i load to the nozzle it just sits at the FINDA and dose not attempt to load to the bondtech gears.

I ran the bowden tube length calibration and it all works perfectly , loads to the correct length every time.

Im stumpped ,

please help





Publié : 05/07/2019 11:51 am
Noble Member
RE: Not Loading MMU2S

When it sits at the FINDA, are the gears being driven like it's trying to feed the filament?

If it is, is the light on the FINDA on or off? It should be off if filament is present. Is the idler in the correct position? If you press on the idler cover and/or manually push the filament from behind does it catch and advance? Are the bondtech gears loose?

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Publié : 06/07/2019 2:45 pm
New Member
RE: Not Loading MMU2S

I had a similar thing when I upgraded to the MMU2S. First filament load of a print didnt execute. Manual load to nozzle did work.
A hard reset of the MK3S solved that.

Good luck!


Publié : 06/07/2019 6:43 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Not Loading MMU2S

the FINDA is activated and the gears are not running ,
when you undo the bowden tube the filament is just sitting about 2mm out of the hole from the selector ,

i re ran the entire length calibration , and every time you push the middle button the load the filament to the bondtech gears on the extruder it loads perfectly !!

i re flashed it and the same issue ,

it has me stuffed now


Publié : 07/07/2019 12:16 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Not Loading MMU2S


Today i went back to 3.7.2 RC1 and tested , same result

Hard reset the MMU2 , same result ,

its as if the printer see the FINDA on the MMU2 as the filament sensor on the extruder

as soon as the FINDA trips on the mmu it stops feeding filament , the extruder raises a bit and starts to run the bondtech gears, and then asks if the right colour is extruding ,

the sensors are all connected correctly , self tests and manually testing the sensors work perfectly,

What really has me stuffed is the MMU bowden length calibration feeds to filament perfectly , but load to nozzle just doesn't !


Publié : 07/07/2019 7:27 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Not Loading MMU2S



Hard reset the entire printer , and re ran all calibrations today


stuffs me what caused this.


Publié : 09/07/2019 1:27 pm
Cees et Spyryt ont aimé
Active Member
RE: Not Loading MMU2S

Glad you got it working. It took me month of fits before I got mine working reliably. Love it now, but still have nightmares of that month. 

Publié : 09/07/2019 3:42 pm
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