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My First Decent MMU2S Print  

Eminent Member
My First Decent MMU2S Print

I just had to share with a group of people that would understand the pain, agony, happiness and enjoyment of seeing my first COMPLETE MMU Print using the latest MMU2S. It took me two months to fine tune it and many hours of cursing. There were many times where I wanted to quit but I at least made 1 good print. Let's see what else this thing can print. Still think it's a hassle though and still debating if it was worth the purchase. What do you guys think? Worth it or not?

This topic was modified před 6 years by Gungrav3
Napsal : 12/07/2019 6:05 am
Noble Member
RE: My First Decent MMU2S Print

Hi Jesse,

Welcome to the MMU2 printing club 😊 . I like the result!

Often linked posts:
Going small with MMU2
Real Multi Material
My prints on Instagram

Napsal : 13/07/2019 12:42 am
Active Member
RE: My First Decent MMU2S Print

Congrats! Yes, most of us understand what you are feeling. The MMU is only meant for people that have patience and are willing to work at it. They can be awesome, but if you aren't willing to put the work into it, it will make you hate 3D printing. Mine took me about a month to figure out. I remember some long frustrating nights where I wanted to give up. 

Hope you have many more prints!

Napsal : 15/07/2019 3:42 pm
New Member
RE: My First Decent MMU2S Print
Posted by: Spyryt

The MMU is only meant for people that have patience and are willing to work at it.

This is absolute bullshit. There is *zero* information on the store (or in the original emails or pre-orders) about needing to be "advanced" to use this. I LOVE my MK3, and it made me pretty loyal to Prussa for parts, filament, etc. But i think they should refund EVERYONES money on he MMU2. Its a complete POS. Ive been nearly a year for the bugs to be worked out. It seems the focus is on the new resin printers, and they no longer give a fuck...

This level of product fuckery deserves a class action lawsuit.

Napsal : 30/08/2019 5:11 am
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