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MMU2.0 on MK2S?  

Tyoi Rhysode
Active Member
MMU2.0 on MK2S?

Hello guys and Gals,

Pretty straight forward question I hope someone can answer: Is the MMU2.0 compatible with a MK2S or do i first have to upgrade to the MK2.5 or MK3?I currently do not own the MMU1.0.

Veröffentlicht : 26/04/2018 10:01 am
Reputable Member
Re: MMU2.0 on MK2S?

See this thread:

Veröffentlicht : 26/04/2018 10:33 am
Estimable Member
Re: MMU2.0 on MK2S?

Hello guys and Gals,

Pretty straight forward question I hope someone can answer: Is the MMU2.0 compatible with a MK2S or do i first have to upgrade to the MK2.5 or MK3?I currently do not own the MMU1.0.

PRUSA has gone to great lengths to clarify this. On their MMU/2 order page it states:

"Keep in mind that this (MMU/2) upgrade is not compatible with the Original Prusa i3 MK2/S. You will need Original Prusa i3 MK2.5 upgrade (or the MK3) to install MMU 2.0."

- MK3s w/Mosquito Hotend- Mini w/Copperhead Hotend- XL - 5 tool -OpenScad -3d Builder -FreeCAD -Alibre -OctoPrint/x3(Pi3B)

Veröffentlicht : 27/04/2018 2:07 am
Tyoi Rhysode
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: MMU2.0 on MK2S?

Im sorry, nowhere on this page:
does it has that line.

Also, why would the MM2.0 at least need the MK2.5? There is no real change between the MK2S and the MK2.5 regarding the extruder. Seems a bit of a money grab situation.

And euh... "Great lenghts"... really? Fanboy much?

Veröffentlicht : 27/04/2018 6:31 pm
Estimable Member
Re: MMU2.0 on MK2S?

Im sorry, nowhere on this page:
does it has that line.

Also, why would the MM2.0 at least need the MK2.5? There is no real change between the MK2S and the MK2.5 regarding the extruder. Seems a bit of a money grab situation.

And euh... "Great lenghts"... really? Fanboy much?

With all due respect, something missing in your post BTW, you stated you own an MK2s. The page you are referring to is for MK3 owners only. "Original Prusa i3 MK3 Multi Material 2.0 upgrade kit". So check your facts first and look at the correct page for your printer. You will see the information as I originally posted. You will need to upgrade to MK2.5 or MK3 to use MMU2. The 'why' has been discussed at great length in other posts. Search away.

And YES! Great lengths! In qualifying all of their complexities in a myriad of upgrade possibilities.

Re: your 'boy' comment... as we say down here in Florida... I'll bet you get alligators and lizards confused 😆

- MK3s w/Mosquito Hotend- Mini w/Copperhead Hotend- XL - 5 tool -OpenScad -3d Builder -FreeCAD -Alibre -OctoPrint/x3(Pi3B)

Veröffentlicht : 27/04/2018 7:35 pm
Tyoi Rhysode
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: MMU2.0 on MK2S?

I was very clear in my original post, I currently do not own the MMU1.0. The page you are reffering to is the one for the upgrade from the MMU1 to the 2.

Unfortunally this forum does not seem to be the helpfull community I though it to be. I thank you for that insight.

For admin/mods: This post can be closed or locked.

Veröffentlicht : 28/04/2018 4:31 pm
Eminent Member
Re: MMU2.0 on MK2S?

You got your answer within two replies. Just because it wasn't the one you wanted to hear doesn't mean the forum isn't a "helpful community".

In fact the same question had already been asked and answered in the main mmu2 thread, complete with a breakdown of the bare minimum of parts you would need to self source to build a compatible extruder and what firmware modifications would be required.

Veröffentlicht : 28/04/2018 9:54 pm
Reputable Member
Re: MMU2.0 on MK2S?

Im sorry, nowhere on this page:
does it has that line.

Also, why would the MM2.0 at least need the MK2.5? There is no real change between the MK2S and the MK2.5 regarding the extruder. Seems a bit of a money grab situation.

And euh... "Great lenghts"... really? Fanboy much?

I don't see the need either. i know it's probably the laser sensor, but you only need to know the length/distance from MMU to the Hot end to load filament and unload (unless there is some other issue of reliability of where it might be if length of filament changes after a cut?) . maybe the sensor sensor would help with purge amounts by knowing more exactly when the filament i loaded. but it's not needed in general and also handicaps the ability to move it to another machine... since it wouldn't have a sensor either.... Also the laser sensor dosen't work well with "fast" movements and shiny black very well so i don't know how reliable it will be at all in MMU constantly moving the filament....

this is why we need a video.

Should look at M3D's new mixing extruder... it's like $160? i think. it's in pre-order but it works and there are video/images etc... get CMYK color filament and make multiple colors and shades.

Veröffentlicht : 02/05/2018 9:13 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: MMU2.0 on MK2S?

I believe the significant differences regarding the MMU V2 solution, between the Mk2/Mk2s and the Mk2.5/Mk3 are

Mk2/Mk2 :
Small single sided hobbed wheel with pressure roller
No Filament sensor
Rambo Controller
Physical End Stops

Larger Bondtech Geared hobbed wheel pair
Integrated Filament sensor
Einsy Controller
Virtual End stops

The Original MMU1 had Bondtech hobbed wheels

The MMU2 is designed to work with a printer using Bondtech Hobbed wheels

Prusa already have to maintain
Mk0, 3mm filament gear extruder firmware, 200x200 build plate Rambo
Mk1, 1.75mm filament Direct drive extruder, 200x200 build plate Rambo
Mk2, 1.75mm filament Direct drive extruder, 210x250 fixed surface buildplate Rambo
Mk2, 1.75mm filament Direct drive extruder, 210x250 fixed surface buildplate with MMUv1 Rambo
mk2.5 1.75mm filament Direct drive extruder, 210x250 removeable surface buildplate Rambo
mk2.5 1.75mm filament Direct drive extruder, 210x250 removeable surface buildplate with MMUv2 Rambo
mk3 1.75mm filament Direct drive extruder, 210x250 removeable surface buildplate Einsy
mk3 1.75mm filament Direct drive extruder, 210x250 removeable surface buildplate with MMUv2 Einsy
plus their in house Printer Farm Variants, which I believe use 3mm filament

It's not surprising that they don't want to add additional complication of Mk2/Mk2s with MMUv2
same as they never offered MMUv1 for use with either the Mk0 or Mk1 printer versions

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Veröffentlicht : 02/05/2018 10:21 pm
Reputable Member
Re: MMU2.0 on MK2S?

I believe the significant differences regarding the MMU V2 solution, between the Mk2/Mk2s and the Mk2.5/Mk3 are

Mk2/Mk2 :
Small single sided hobbed wheel with pressure roller
No Filament sensor
Rambo Controller
Physical End Stops

Larger Bondtech Geared hobbed wheel pair
Integrated Filament sensor
Einsy Controller
Virtual End stops

The Original MMU1 had Bondtech hobbed wheels

The MMU2 is designed to work with a printer using Bondtech Hobbed wheels

Prusa already have to maintain
Mk0, 3mm filament gear extruder firmware, 200x200 build plate Rambo
Mk1, 1.75mm filament Direct drive extruder, 200x200 build plate Rambo
Mk2, 1.75mm filament Direct drive extruder, 210x250 fixed surface buildplate Rambo
Mk2, 1.75mm filament Direct drive extruder, 210x250 fixed surface buildplate with MMUv1 Rambo
mk2.5 1.75mm filament Direct drive extruder, 210x250 removeable surface buildplate Rambo
mk2.5 1.75mm filament Direct drive extruder, 210x250 removeable surface buildplate with MMUv2 Rambo
mk3 1.75mm filament Direct drive extruder, 210x250 removeable surface buildplate Einsy
mk3 1.75mm filament Direct drive extruder, 210x250 removeable surface buildplate with MMUv2 Einsy
plus their in house Printer Farm Variants, which I believe use 3mm filament

It's not surprising that they don't want to add additional complication of Mk2/Mk2s with MMUv2
same as they never offered MMUv1 for use with either the Mk0 or Mk1 printer versions

regards Joan

Bondtech not needed really... it's just too many models to support most likely and filament sensor will be used so why not.... course it could be used on any machine, it's just the same as you manually pulling out filament and putting in another... but it's automatic. i have something similar for filament selector and scales beyond 5, more like a shelf. but since they're not pre-loaded it would take longer to do an automatic change for colors, worse for small segments of colors. i should try one day and see how quick it would be. A mechaduino on the stepper could make it snappy quick but spool needs to wind the slack if it's too long.

Veröffentlicht : 04/05/2018 4:10 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: MMU2.0 on MK2S?

Hi Eric

this is how I set up the reels for my MMU1 system

the reels are on a shelf above the printer, I use PTFE tubes to guide the filament in a gentle curve to the extruder motor inlets which are pointing slightly down

there is a short length of ptfe coming through the shelf
and a longer length feeding the filament the rest of the way to the extruder

when the MMU back feeds the previous filament in preparation for the next filament, the spare length causes the ends of the two ptfe tubes to separate, rather than back feeding to the roll and possibly causing the filament to spill over the side of the reel!

this method also keeps the filament from tangling in the model.
this idea may help you

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Veröffentlicht : 04/05/2018 10:49 am