MMU can't pull back filament because end has a blob on it
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MMU can't pull back filament because end has a blob on it  

Active Member
MMU can't pull back filament because end has a blob on it

After a week of struggle, I find myself in a little oasis of happiness where my MMU is mostly working pretty good. The only problem it seems to have now is that it often fails to unload filament because there is a blob on the end that is too thick for the tubes. Is this a known issue that there is a known remedy for? 

Opublikowany : 02/05/2022 2:40 am
Reputable Member
RE: MMU can't pull back filament because end has a blob on it

What works for me is to up the temp on tips that are too large to retract and to increase the cooling moves if you get too stringy of a tip.

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Opublikowany : 02/05/2022 4:44 am