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MMU and ColorPrint problems?  

Eminent Member
MMU and ColorPrint problems?

Has anyone been able to successfully use the ColorPrint program to generate GCODE for the MMU2?
I've tried slicing my object it two ways: with Slic3r set in Single Material mode and in normal mode.
In both cases I've passed the object through ColorPrint: using the GCODE from the single mode I had to specifically set ColorPrint to MM mode while in the normal case it was auto detected.

But printing completley fails when trying to print either of the resulting GCODE files.

The GCODE that was generated using the Single Material mode first asks which filament I want, even though in Color Print you specifically have to tell it what extruder to use.

The one generated from the normal mode doesn't do this. But in any case both exhibit the same problem:

The print starts the normal bed test, loads the filament and then continues on to draw a double "purge line" (don't know how else to call it, the line that always gets's drawn in the beginning on the side of the bed) across the entire width of the bed. So far so good. But then as soon as it has finished it seems to try to retract the filament (the display shows "1 > 2") but it doesn't seem to activate the extruder motor! So the MMU is trying to retract but the filament is held firm by the extruder causing the MMU to completely chomp through the filament. After that you can only manually remove the filament and throw 40cm of it away.

Anyone else seen this? Am I doing something wrong?

Publié : 21/11/2018 2:38 pm
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