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Mixed command: MMU2S vs i3MK3S ?  

New Member
Mixed command: MMU2S vs i3MK3S ?

Doing a multimaterial print (though all PETG, just multicolor) of only a little over an hour in length. Works fine up until 5/6 of the way through the print when it appears (at least to me) that there is a mixed command between the MMU2S and the i3MK3S extruder motor. The MMU2S loads a new color, the extruder motor acknowledges receipt of which, then the MMU2S subsequently tries to unload the loaded filament color, but the extruder motor refuses to release it. From another room, I heard it unload a filament, load another and then try doing 'something'...with subsequent failure requiring my attention.When I try to help...

I can't assist in removing the filament from the extruder until the printer goes into some stand-by mode after a minutes when I am able to hand remove the filament still within the extruder motor. I go through the motions: trim any blob on the filament (if necessary), repeatedly clicking the middle button on the MMU2S to slowly unload the the rightmost button to re-initiate heating of the nozzle/print...printer reloads this filament...extruder acknowledges receipt...then MMU2S tries to unload it...subsequent chewing sounds of filament within the MMU2S with no waiting until stand-by mode when I can forcefully remove the filament and repeat until I finally give up and stop the print. I've tried removing the filament prior to stand-by mode but that extruder has quite the grip on the filament...causing me to lift the entire printer off the table!

Really seems to be a glitch in the commands/communication between the MMu2S and the i3MK3S extruder as they aren't excuting the same process of unloading this particular color filament.

Any suggestions?



Napsal : 10/04/2022 1:31 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Mixed command: MMU2S vs i3MK3S ?

The extruder gears should be spinning to unload the filament from the extruder until it is out. If not, then I'd guess your extruder filament sensor is reading a 0 when it should be a 1. So maybe some recalibration is in order.

Either that or you've just got fat tips that the MMU can't pull out past the gears of the extruder. So try different unload settings to fix the tips and/or loosen the extruder door tension somewhat.

I'm kinda leaning towards the issue being a bad/fat tip since you noted you can lift the entire thing trying to pull the filament out. As if the tip is getting stuck in either the PTFE tube or at the gears.

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Napsal : 10/04/2022 11:21 pm