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[Closed] I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S  

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Estimable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S
Posted by: nikolai.r

Hi Casey,

If we need a discussion about feelings in a technical driven forum, then something is wrong. I prefer to stay technical.

Right now you are making your relationship to PR public. And at the same time complaining about the community. I would call it washing dirty close in public. That doesn't help anybody.

If you need help to fix your printer, the regular approach is to describe the issue as best as you can. Taking the hints people are giving to you (for free) and trying to make it work for your problem/issue. But after so many complains from your end, me personally don't want to help you because I have a feeling you don't want to fix your printer. Instead "the other" have to do that because you paid money for the printer.

Sorry if I got too personal here but this will be also my last post to this thread.

You and Cybrsage both brought up feelings, so know what, something IS wrong. That something isn't me. However, what I think IS wrong, is you guys are too busy brown-nosing Jo Prusa.

This has been nothing but a pile-on, when I ORIGINALLY was asking for pointers/help, but instead, jerks like the people who evidently frequent THIS FORUM decided that instead of giving suggestions, to start making personal attacks on the 'new guy,' as well as following me from a different social media after I BLOCKED them over there....

I've had enough of it honestly. I wish I never purchased a Prusa anything. I've got an Anet A8 with less issues, and I'm totally on my own with that, the mods on it, etc. Same for the Printrbot Simple Metal, the Ender 3, the Makerfarm i3V. There isn't anything super unique to the point that basic 3D printing physics are THAT different on a MK3S printer. It's complicated, but not that complicated. Simply put, if your PINDA is not working, it's the PINDA, wire, or connection. If your extruder body is melting under PETG print conditions, maybe that's why they are WORKING ON AN R5 DESIGN.... because of a design issue.... rather than pretending R4 was GOD.

As Jakub said. Not our personal battleground, but I'm sick and freakin tired of the crap I've been through all around.

This post was modified 5 years ago by Casey
Posted : 29/07/2019 8:00 pm
Honorable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

I did not mention feelings either, but hey, at least you are doing what you say you do not want others to do.

I am sorry that you expected to get a $6500 machine level experience from a $800 machine.  Live and learn.  If you level set your expectations to that of the price you spend, you will be a happier person.  Yes, the Anet is cheap as well, but your issues did not start on the Prusa until you added more functionality than you originally bought.  It happens with things at this low price level.

This post was modified 5 years ago 3 times by CybrSage
Posted : 29/07/2019 8:09 pm
Estimable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

There's a point where you push someone hard enough, that they've had enough. I'm at that point. Congratulations, you got the troll of the year award.

Posted : 29/07/2019 8:15 pm
Honorable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S
Posted by: Casey/NZ2O

There's a point where you push someone hard enough, that they've had enough. I'm at that point. Congratulations, you got the troll of the year award.

Then stop pushing yourself and you will not longer be angry that you are being pushed.  I am sorry that not everyone agrees with everything you type, but that is just how the world really is.  Unless the person is important to you, what they say should not be important enough to you to make you go bonkers over it.  Take note I was not even replying to you and you managed to force yourself to become offended anyway.  Bravo!

It is fine you are upset, most people would be.  Letting your emotions control you gets you nothing but trouble.  Be upset, sure, but be rational too.  You will never get the resolution you seek when you are angry at everyone and everything they do.  If this is the first time something has not worked out smashingly for you, then take it as an event to learn and grow from, not bog yourself down with.

Meh, I am done with the thread.  Keep gnashing your teeth and attacking everyone who does not agree with you.  It will ensure you continue to stay angry and never get your issues solved, which is what it appears your goal is currently.

This post was modified 5 years ago by CybrSage
Posted : 29/07/2019 8:23 pm
Active Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

Come on guys. Stay on topic! This is no place for this kind of discussion 

Posted : 29/07/2019 8:34 pm
CybrSage and Casey liked
Honorable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S
Posted by: laird.p

While the MMU2 was unusable, to the point where I bypassed it most of the time, the MMU2S with the newer firmware has been fantastically reliable for single-color prints. It's very convenient to have many filaments loaded, so I can pick the color/material for each print when it starts. Multi-color printing is now fairly reliable, but it's still so slow that I only use it when I really need to, which isn't often.

Like Antimix, I don't use the 'loader' - I just have the spools sitting in the MMU spool bases (but not through the feed widget they provided) perhaps a yard behind the printer, with the filament loose between the filament and the end of the (normal length) PTFE tubes, and so far they've been fine. The filament twists around across each other, but they don't tangle because both ends are fixed, so whichever filament I'm using is straight and prints freely, despite the 4 other filaments wiggling around a bit. So perhaps I've just been lucky, but I don't know why Prusa is pursuing all the complexity of the loader, feed widgets, etc.

That is the best and simplest solution.  For me, I want my filament to not be in the air for any length of time (going to be using water soluble support material), so I cannot do that.


I am currently using a vertical (gravity powered) rewinder inside a 22 cup Rubbermaid container with a dessicant holder connected to the lid.  They are on thingiverse here:

And I have the other mods I am using in a collection:

Posted : 30/07/2019 12:28 am
Dick V
Eminent Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

Well Cybrsage and Casey whatever...

Thanks for posting but I think no one on this forum is really interested about what both of you have to say anymore.

I send a mail to PR once more and this time for the last time....

Please find an other way to solve your pathetic ego problems for seeking some attention..

To my humble opinion the best way for both of you is to find the nearest psychiatric institution equipped with

professionals for this kind of severe mental issues.

This is a no reply post in favour of all the positive forum members and employees at PR





For both of you, there are better solutions, like 

Posted : 30/07/2019 1:00 am
Honorable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S
Posted by: dick.v

Well Cybrsage and Casey whatever...

Please find an other way to solve your pathetic ego problems for seeking some attention..

To my humble opinion the best way for both of you is to find the nearest psychiatric institution equipped with

professionals for this kind of severe mental issues.

This is a no reply post...

Give me the name of your shrink, so I ensure I avoid the quack.   He failed so so far.

As I have told others, mention me or reply to me and you will get a response back when I see it.  Be civil and I am as well.  Do as you just did and expect it back.  Want no reply, then do not mention or quote me.  It is so simple even a caveman could do it.

What a big ego you have to command others that they cannot reply when you are not an admin or mod. 

For you, there are better solutions, like

This post was modified 5 years ago by CybrSage
Posted : 30/07/2019 1:39 am
Dick V
Eminent Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

Thanks for your reply Cybrsage L.O.L

This was exactly the reply I was waiting for.

Well, I believe your shrink has failed so far:):):)

Soo... I think PR now knows exactly what they have to do.

Posted : 30/07/2019 1:52 am
Honorable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S
Posted by: dick.v

Thanks for your reply Cybrsage 

Soo... I think PR now knows exactly what they have to do.

Agreed, they need to tell you that stirring the pot too much causes it to splash out into you.

You told me to seek mental help...and are offended that I imply you need it too.  Interesting...

And you are welcome.  All you need to do to get more replies is keep mentioning or quoting me and insulting me like you have.

This post was modified 5 years ago 2 times by CybrSage
Posted : 30/07/2019 2:05 am
Dick V
Eminent Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S



Obvious to much alcohol and/or other substances not too good for your health, get rid of this totally full blown idiot 

and let's get back on topic and create something nice and beautiful with our 3D RESEARCH printers@!

Posted : 30/07/2019 2:15 am
Laird Popkin
Estimable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

Good point about the blade - it's come loose for me a few times, and it's a pain to put it back in place, as it requires disassembling and reassembling the front of the MMU. And great idea to cut the filament tip for consistency. From the release notes, it looks like Prusa's been working on that idea, too.

I put "visualizers" on my motors (e.g. ) and it is amazing how much back-and-forth motion there is loading and unloading filament. My assumption is that it has to do with trying to space the molten plastic before it hardens.

Posted : 30/07/2019 2:47 am
Honorable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S
Posted by: laird.p

Good point about the blade - it's come loose for me a few times, and it's a pain to put it back in place, as it requires disassembling and reassembling the front of the MMU. And great idea to cut the filament tip for consistency. From the release notes, it looks like Prusa's been working on that idea, too.

I put "visualizers" on my motors (e.g. ) and it is amazing how much back-and-forth motion there is loading and unloading filament. My assumption is that it has to do with trying to space the molten plastic before it hardens.

There are some improved cutters on thingiverse if it becomes too much of a pain.

I have the selector I am using in my collection on has not come free yet (knock on wood).

This post was modified 5 years ago by CybrSage
Posted : 30/07/2019 3:02 am
Honorable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S
Posted by: dick.v



Obvious to much alcohol and/or other substances not too good for your health, get rid of this totally full blown idiot 

and let's get back on topic and create something nice and beautiful with our 3D RESEARCH printers@!

Yes, you should stop, you embarrass yourself and you family.

One wishes you would go back to talking about the MMU2, but we both know you must reply to me again.  An odd compulsion you have.

Posted : 30/07/2019 3:04 am
Honorable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S
Posted by: laird.p

I put "visualizers" on my motors (e.g. ) and it is amazing how much back-and-forth motion there is loading and unloading filament. My assumption is that it has to do with trying to space the molten plastic before it hardens.

Great idea!

Posted : 30/07/2019 3:06 am
Jakub Dolezal
Member Admin
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S


again I'm asking you, please stay on the topic of the MMU2S, don't spam the thread with some offtopic. If you experience issues with your printer you should either contact the support or ask the community for help. 

@casey-b6 Is your MMU2S working properly, or there are still some issues?

Assembly manuals

/ Knowledge Base
The guy behind Prusa assembly manuals...

Posted : 31/07/2019 8:40 am
CybrSage liked
Estimable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S
Posted by: jakub.d

@casey-b6 Is your MMU2S working properly, or there are still some issues?

That.... is what I was trying to talk about here, because I was happy the MMU2S was working - though I needed more parts to repair it... before these guys started pooping all over my "expectations" and "feelings" once again. SO yeah, I was at least on topic....and I told you so, Jakub... After all, I'm not the one trying to tell people to buy a Makerbot!

At the time of my reply.... I was reporting that the MMU2S worked, as long as I physically hold the buffer up behind the printer. Because instead of sending my bowden tubes back to me, whoever it was that botched the repair job and left a comment of a rather personal nature toward me on the paper in the box (printed from PrestaShop)... they decided they'd send me the bowden tubes from Prusa's test jig instead of my own which came with the mmu2s...

But yeah, MMU2S "works," though wasn't truly usable/workable, since I'm not willing to stand and hold it thru a 8 hour print. 🙂

Support once again ended up having to send parts so that I could repair what the repair shop "repaired." Meanwhile, I had your support people on the phone who was calling me "ridiculous" because maybe they thought it absolutely CRAZY to actually have a repaired printer come back from your repair shop, when the repair shop declared it "fixed." Along with the CRAZY idea that when your support rep says "contact us back later," that I'd actually follow those directions and believed the rep before the one calling me "ridiculous"!!!

The parts? Bowden Tubes. Extruder pieces because that was melted, straight out of the box...... Even though Taso said the PINDA was likely faulty/inconsistent from the Pronterface tests I sent, the SR Tech wants me to go through taking my extruder apart *again* and then re-running that test, before sending a replacement PINDA...Fine... Drag me through it all over again. I'll do it. Whatever. I just think it's being intentionally made harder than it should be.

Sure, it's a hobby machine, as Cybrsage put it while trying to trash me personally.... BUT It IS a Prusa, not an Anet A8. The experience and reliability alone should out-class the A8 by far. That's my expectation, and I would hope you agree, that's not unreasonable, to expect the original to be better than a poorly-done clone machine, even in this market segment.... Maybe my faith in this company is misplaced, as I've experienced... Prove me wrong.

So.... chances are, when I put these parts that I just received on, I'll probably still have problems due to an old version of the PINDA (according to Taso)....

As for the parts I got? I just got em. I have a job, and I have to have two separate surgeries to remove wisdom teeth. One is today at 2pm Central.
That said, I don't think I'll be physically able to try to work on it tonight, maybe not tomorrow... I'm going to be feeling terrible. So there's some feelings for your buddy Cybrsage to criticize. Have fun. This sucks.

So.... Functionally? Ya. Practically? Heck no! I still cannot print, properly.... Ask me next week once I've healed from surgery... 😑

This post was modified 5 years ago by Casey
Posted : 31/07/2019 1:50 pm
Honorable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

Casey, whe he said to stop it, he did not mean to keep bringing it up.

Stop already.

And in case you are confused, stop does not mean keep doing it.  So stop.

This post was modified 5 years ago 3 times by CybrSage
Posted : 31/07/2019 2:18 pm
Estimable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S
Posted by: CybrSage

Whe he said to stop it, he did not mean to keep bringing it up.

Stop already.

And in case you are co fused, stop does not mean keep doing it.  So stop.

He asked me a direct question. I answered him fully, and directly. I propose, letting the moderator moderate. My post was on the MMU2S. Your responses have been personal, toward me and others, calling them mentally ill, etc.

Posted by: jakub.d

@casey-b6 Is your MMU2S working properly, or there are still some issues?


This post was modified 5 years ago by Casey
Posted : 31/07/2019 2:21 pm
Honorable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

Casey, reported.

Stop now.

This post was modified 5 years ago by CybrSage
Posted : 31/07/2019 2:30 pm
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