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[Cerrado] I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S  

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New Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

Ill appreciate if  you could  provide more details re what you had to modify in order for the machine to work. I am trying to make the MMU but  total y unsuccessful. I am actually very close to taking it off and use the a simple MK3s  or even just rebuild the MK3 (which worked perfectly!)

Respondido : 06/08/2019 3:19 pm
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S
Posted by: haim.p2

Ill appreciate if  you could  provide more details re what you had to modify in order for the machine to work. I am trying to make the MMU but  total y unsuccessful. I am actually very close to taking it off and use the a simple MK3s  or even just rebuild the MK3 (which worked perfectly!)

Depends what the problem is; can you tell us a little about the issues you are having? Perhaps start a new thread with that information. Otherwise you'll just be throwing parts and time at things that may not even fix the specific problem areas in your setup.

Respondido : 06/08/2019 3:24 pm
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

my experience is the IR sensor is super touchy to calibrate and running the 1.0.6 RC2 firmware helps as does making sure your idler tensions are good on both the MMU idler and extruder door. I also increased cooling moves to 3

for the IR sensor I added an LED to the sensor board to allow realtime monitoring of that just like you have LEDs on the PINDA and FINDA

I ended up switching to a different extruder design that makes IR sensor calibration much easier (BNBSX) but that's overkill

i'm just finishing a 950 change part that has had 4 stops so far , 1 for a tangled reel and 3 for jammed ends at the selector on the same reel.


Respondido : 06/08/2019 3:29 pm
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

^^ Nearly all of my issues have been with the IR sensor and friction in the filament feeding. I'm running a skelestruder and the IR sensor parts are still in beta, but anytime loading goes funny it's usually because that's acting up and I need to tweak it. Many unloading woes were from filament just not moving smoothly in the buffer. 


Respondido : 06/08/2019 3:34 pm
Noble Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

Got all mine worked out and then had to rebuild my extruder and now I'm fighting the IR sensor. I keep thinking I should do the LED mod, but A) my SMD soldering skills are non-existent and B) I don't think it will help since I know it is the IR sensor. It's the classic case of everything is fine when nothing is moving and I'm manually inserting filament while watching the sensor, but as soon as it's trying to load it automatically things are jittery enough to give it fits 🙄 

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Respondido : 06/08/2019 3:39 pm
Active Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

I'll reiterate the IR sensor issues.  I would say 90% of my issues are from the IR sensor.  I think the mechanics need a redesign, an LED would be nice, and some software debounce would probably also be helpful.

I had some FINDA issues in the beginning with a bad sensor, but I believe I've got that ironed out.  My remaining minority issues are related to filament stringing.  I get some stringing often, but it only occasionally gets jammed up.  I've tried the cooling moves without a lot of luck.  I've settled on a custom extraction procedure that still strings with some filament, but rarely causes issues. 

Respondido : 06/08/2019 5:09 pm
Active Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

I wanted to expand a bit on my IR sensor issues, I think they stem from using different filaments that get squished different amounts between the drive gears.  Relatively soft PVA gets squished more than the harder PETG I'm using. 

Adjusting the drive tension screw will change the calibration of the IR sensor.  Any time I touch it now I'll recalibrate with a couple different filaments, watching the sensors readout, and tapping the extruder make sure a little bump doesn't change the reading with or without filament. 

I've been thinking about fixes I can do myself, the basis is trying to find a way with levers or something else to exaggerate the movement when filament is inserted or removed.  The little arm has so little swing, it's just really easy to get right on the verge of tripping or not the IR, and any little change throws it off.

Respondido : 06/08/2019 5:28 pm
New Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

it started with the blade holder failing,  than even when trying to use only one filament the MMU keeps unloading and than fails reloading unless I pull out the filament and cut it manually. Also if there is some resistance to movement  ( I think so) the MMU deforms the filament when trying to push it, that might be solved by adjustment of the MMU door, but I did not try).

In order to fix the blade holder issue ( or the other ones) I need to print new parts, but this is the only printer I have so I disconnected the MMU com and tried to use it as just a MK3s, worked for a short time than the printer keeps asking to unload and reload every 5 seconds or so, can anybody help with that?

Respondido : 06/08/2019 6:01 pm
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S
Posted by: haim.p2

it started with the blade holder failing,  than even when trying to use only one filament the MMU keeps unloading and than fails reloading unless I pull out the filament and cut it manually. Also if there is some resistance to movement  ( I think so) the MMU deforms the filament when trying to push it, that might be solved by adjustment of the MMU door, but I did not try).

In order to fix the blade holder issue ( or the other ones) I need to print new parts, but this is the only printer I have so I disconnected the MMU com and tried to use it as just a MK3s, worked for a short time than the printer keeps asking to unload and reload every 5 seconds or so, can anybody help with that?

Calibrate your IR sensor.

Respondido : 06/08/2019 6:45 pm
New Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

Thanks,  did it and it worked.

Respondido : 06/08/2019 8:23 pm
Honorable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

Also, make sure you are using the official Prusa ptfe tube in the hot end, and an official Prusa heatbreak.  The heatbreak is slightly different from the standard E3D one, and the pfte tube has a 1.75 (or 1.8) mm internal diameter.  Its purpose is to squish the still soft filament into the proper shape as it is pulled out of the hot end.  Ensure it is put in the correct direction - the bottom is a cone shape.  Also do not forget to chamfer the top of the tube, so it is easier for filament to enter it.

This one thing made a HUGE difference for me.  Went from failing every filament change to not failing at all.  Granted, I am only using one color right now, but it has never failed since I changed did those things.

Respondido : 13/08/2019 7:02 am
Estimable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

Wut... This post was from over a year ago. 

Mods, seriously...

Respondido : 12/02/2021 2:31 am
Same Old Shane
Miembro Admin
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S


I'm sorry, but I do not see an issue here. Someone was commenting on a public forum post. There was no baiting, abusive language or anything in there that would go against any sort of terms of service and there is no time limitations for someone to reply to a post. He was replying to something that he wanted to, so I do not see any issues here. 

Thank you. 

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Respondido : 12/02/2021 9:07 am
Noble Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S
Posted by: @same-old-shane


I'm sorry, but I do not see an issue here. Someone was commenting on a public forum post. There was no baiting, abusive language or anything in there that would go against any sort of terms of service and there is no time limitations for someone to reply to a post. He was replying to something that he wanted to, so I do not see any issues here. 

Thank you. 

Shane, I disagree. The post has nothing to do with the topic of the thread and only seeks to reignite the off topic bickering the Jakub already dealt with. This thread had been dead for a year and a half and the post offers no value for resurrecting it. Please just lock this thread as I don't see any value to be gained from it at this point.


Scroll to the top of the thread and click the unsubscribe link. Just ignore it and move on with life. I have now unsubscribed and this will hopefully be the last I hear of this thread...

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Respondido : 12/02/2021 1:13 pm
Estimable Member
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S

@gnat : I actually WAS unsubscribed until this forum was moved to the new system.
@same-old-shane : Oh OF COURSE you don't see an issue.  Same old Shane, because obviously you choose to not see an issue.

Also... it doesn't take a blind man, to see  it is plain that this user joined just to cause trouble here, or at least spam eventually. 
1. It's his only post, so he signed up just to do what he did.
2. The link in his signature isn't germane to 3D printing, at all.
3. A cursory search on Google will show that Niksadon has a nice, fake facebook account out there.
Look at the profile on Babel Tech Reviews for the same user... Looks like his profile has some automated spam nonsense garbage in that bio too, just like the nonsense signature here. https://www.babeltechreviews.com/community/member.php?action=profile&uid=5595
There were posts in Google Cache for that user on the above site, but these posts were  deleted.
4. I'm seeing search results in Google where he made other Prusa forum posts, and those posts by this user are actually all GONE as well...
SO either he's getting HEAVILY moderated, or he's posting and then removing his posts, because neither account has existed for long.

So all-in-all, if SHANE wants to keep forum spammers and think it's cool to keep trying to screw with me from well over a year ago... on a post so stale it should have been locked long ago, and has mushrooms growing on it....

WELL, you're the admin!!! Next thing you know, you'll be allowing viagra spammers.

Respondido : 12/02/2021 1:50 pm
Same Old Shane
Miembro Admin
RE: I challenge Prusa to use MMU2S


Ok, relax and breath a little... 

Thank you for pointing out the spamming link, it would have been more helpful to point it out in the start. Secondly, against your believe, I have nothing personal against you. I saw the comments to the post that were not in violation and I missed the link, so my bad on that one, and it will be corrected. 

To reduce any sort of potential issue down the road this will be locked, so I wish everyone a nice day. 

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Respondido : 12/02/2021 2:17 pm
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