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Getting MMU To Work Reliably?  

Active Member
Getting MMU To Work Reliably?

Hello all,


My mother, brother, and I are looking at getting together and purchasing an MMU for our dad to use with his Mk3. He's very much into the "printing cool-looking stuff," and has expressed a desire to be able to print multi-colored stuff or use water-soluble supports.


The one thing I'm concerned about is how reliably it will work for him. He did enjoy putting together the Mk3, but really liked how once it was together, it "just worked" with minimal tuning. He's got about 115 days clocked on it (since March), without any issues (only a couple of failed prints outside of initial base-plate adhesion failures within the first couple of layers).


Reading up on the reliability, I've read that many people have had issues with the MMU (breaking filament and failing mid-print, etc). However, most of what I've read has been from earlier this year. Have these issues been addressed, or have sales decreased and existing owners that had issues with it just given up and stopped talking about it as much? I don't mind spending some time with him to get it initially dialed, but would rather avoid him ending up needing to constantly be tweaking something to get it to work.



This topic was modified 5 years ago 2 times by NateroniPizza
Posted : 30/11/2019 9:57 pm
New Member
RE: Getting MMU To Work Reliably?

I have the same question.

Posted : 01/12/2019 11:59 am
Estimable Member
RE: Getting MMU To Work Reliably?

If you look in this forum you find members who have dedicated their life getting the MMU to print reliably. So if you have plenty of time and energy to spend, it seems doable. 

I'd say the primary reason for buying an MMU2 is if you are bored with PLA printing (it just works) and are looking for a new, really tough challenge. Like when your dad is retired and you want to give him something to fight against during the next year.

From what you describe: Don't, IMO.

- Martin

Posted : 01/12/2019 3:05 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Getting MMU To Work Reliably?

OK, to say something nice here: You can get the MMU working reliably. It will always be prone to more errors that printing without. BUT, if you wanted to go my route you will not have that much more trouble with little investment. After having devoted my life to the MJUS as Martin-m25 called it my saying is the most just get mad and do funny things instead of fixing the root cause (I hope no-one is offended). MY MMUs work reliable as her, just the routine matters (and the initial fixes which take something like 4 hours in all). Whether it is worth it you can argue, but you cannot argue that the MMU is able to work if properly treated.

Posted : 01/12/2019 6:36 pm
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