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Do the MMU Boden Tubes really need to be that long?  

Eminent Member
Do the MMU Boden Tubes really need to be that long?

Is there a good reason for that? They seem ridiculously long.

If they were a couple cm long (beyond the MMU unit), would that be a bad thing?

Postato : 02/10/2018 2:05 am
Reputable Member
Re: Do the MMU Boden Tubes really need to be that long?

Until I get it to print perfectly, I'm not messing with anything. But test your theory and let us know.

Prusa MK3 preassembled (R2/B6) > (R3/B/7)
Prusa MK2.5 kit > MK3 > MK3+MMU2 (R3/B/7) 😀
Prusa SL1 3D printer + Curing and Washing Machine (day1 order)
Delta 3ku

Postato : 02/10/2018 2:43 am
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Do the MMU Boden Tubes really need to be that long?

Is there a good reason for that? They seem ridiculously long.

If they were a couple cm long (beyond the MMU unit), would that be a bad thing?

I don't think there is any reason for them to be that long. More friction is always bad.

The current setup (spools on the same flat surface as the printer, the spool holders and the current brake) was something that was simple, inexpensive, and worked for PR: it avoided the filament tangles and issues when the filament was unloaded.

I think any design that kept friction low and allowed safe filament unload without pushing back into the spools and causing jams/tangles would work just fine.

Postato : 02/10/2018 3:10 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Do the MMU Boden Tubes really need to be that long?

Until I get it to print perfectly, I'm not messing with anything. But test your theory and let us know.

Well, right now I'm fighting the printer at even getting calibrated, so I'm holding off on making any changes until I'm printing as well.

I can live with the length they are at for now, but would be nice if they were a bit shorter. Just an annoyance right now 😀

Postato : 02/10/2018 3:19 am