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Underextrusion / clicking on first layer only.
After installing the MMU2S on the MK3S, I have a problem where only at the beginning of a print, I get clicking from the extruder and significant underextrusion. On higher levels there is no clicking and the extrusion seems better.
I have gone through the various troubleshooting steps (idler tension, etc.) but am pretty puzzled at this point.
Publié : 24/12/2019 8:48 am
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RE: Underextrusion / clicking on first layer only.
It seems my problem was that when re-adjusting my z offset I adjusted it too low. There was not enough space for the printer to extrude as fast as it wanted on the first level.
Prints actually looked great, only the first level obviously dry while watching the print. Clicking went away as soon as the fan came on (level moved up) which is a pretty good giveaway.
Publié : 24/12/2019 2:46 pm