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Resistances between MMU2s and extruder.  

Active Member
Resistances between MMU2s and extruder.


Recently built the mmu2s on my mk3s+ kit. Mk3 worked fine until mmu2s.


I  having troubles with inconsistent extrusion from resistance of the filament to the extruder.

The extruder bondtech gears seems to be doing all the work of pulling the filament out of the hotel after a print is started.

The MMU2S loads/unloads properly.

Is the MMU2s bondtech gears & the idler suppose to help with the resistance? They do not move at all during printing.


Thank you for the help.

Respondido : 11/07/2021 2:59 am
Noble Member
RE: Resistances between MMU2s and extruder.

The MMU just loads and unloads. During print, the extruder pulls the filament, the idler in the MMU is disengaged.

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Respondido : 11/07/2021 8:34 am