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Problem unloading filament  

Eminent Member
Problem unloading filament


I finished assembling the MMU2S+ and arrived at first layer calibration. The first filament loads nicely into the nozzle and the calibration prints nicely. Then when the calibration ends the MMU tries to unload the filament from the nozzle but the filament does not move back and stays stuck. At the same time, the nozzle temperature is automatically reduced to 0 so that the filament can't be manually unloaded and the printer screen shows "MMU needs user attention" and stays stuck on this message such that no setting can be selected. In this way, I am not even able to increase the nozzle's temperature back to a temperature where I can unload.

Next, the MMU continues trying to unload the filament and digs into the filament, making it impossible for the MMU to move the filament later when the problem is manually fixed and so I have to cut that part of the filament off.

This already happened twice in a row, I am still unable to successfully unload a filament once it has been through the nozzle. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Publié : 13/09/2021 12:24 pm
Estimable Member
Check guides and videos


Without more details = video it's little bit hard to help. As a first, please check if all sensors working correctly. As a second check for proper orientation and operation of bondtech gears in mmu2. As a third please check guides and tips and tricks for mmu2 ( )

If it will not help, please try to record a video where we will see what is happening 🙂 


Publié : 13/09/2021 2:36 pm
For Science!
Active Member
Springs springs springs....

For my MMU2S, which I do believe is assembled correctly, everything lies in the idler spring tensions. Too loose and the filament won't budge, but too tight and the idler just freaks out. I would look into the idler tensions, for my machine, it needs to be set to very loose. Almost just after the screw catches the nut.

Publié : 13/09/2021 5:03 pm
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