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MMU2 stopped responding  

Eminent Member
MMU2 stopped responding

I am about 10 hours into a 37 hour print and everything looked fine, until I woke this morning, checked the printer and it stopped.
Nothing new, but this time the printhead moved to the back left, no lights are blinking and the buttons don't do anything.
Meanwhile the printer screen says: "MMU needs user attention. Fix the issue and then press button on MMU unit".

It looks like something went haywire and I can throw away the print.

Publié : 17/11/2018 7:57 am
Honorable Member
Re: MMU2 stopped responding

possible power spike. the MMU doesn't have any tolerance for a power fluctuation and it cannot recover. even something slight can lock up the MMU. i have what i call the usual large APC on my printers and it works great for everything but the MMU2. i'm going to try out a much more expensive APC which is suppose to be used on very sensitive equipment in preventing a reset but that might not work either.
without an event log it would be hard to know for sure if this is the case, or if you are lucky and remember that there was a small spike then it could explain it.

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Publié : 17/11/2018 3:00 pm
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