MMU2 retraction during Filament change is not recognized by the FINDA
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MMU2 retraction during Filament change is not recognized by the FINDA  

Active Member
MMU2 retraction during Filament change is not recognized by the FINDA

Hi all,
I have been semi-successful in the start of my MMU2 journey.
However I am experiencing issues with the MMU2 not actually discovering it has retracted the Filament past the FINDA and past the Selector gears.
Did any of you notice this?
If yes is the solution an adjustment to the FINDA height or what do you recommend?

I should note that I am testing using Colorfabb nGen which to a large extent has similar parameters as PETG, thus I am using the PETG profile in the Slic3r PE slicing.

Thanks in advance

Best Regards Stephen Odgaard
Copenhagen DK

Veröffentlicht : 05/11/2018 8:49 pm
Noble Member
Re: MMU2 retraction during Filament change is not recognized by the FINDA

have you pulled out the ball bearing on the finda and checked for boogers?

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Veröffentlicht : 06/11/2018 3:19 am
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: MMU2 retraction during Filament change is not recognized by the FINDA

Yeah it seems to be my ColorFabb nGen not producing a propper tip and resulting in a stringed tip.
Need to find the proper Advanced / Ramming settings for the nGen.
According to ColorFabb it resembles PET, but perhaps not in all aspects.

Best Regards Stephen Odgaard
Copenhagen DK

Veröffentlicht : 09/11/2018 8:43 pm