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MMU2 - hotend clog  

New Member
MMU2 - hotend clog

Hello, I had issues to print a successful MMU-print of 3 colors (the 3C-lizard sample).
First there was a moment after 1-2h that no filament came out of the nozzle for unkown reasons. The hobbed gear often left a mark or grounded just on the filament without feeding it. At the toolchange the MMU feeder pushed further after the filament reached the bondtech at the extruder.
So I calibrated the length for all 5 tools.

Now it went to a jumping extruder bondtech gear.

The filament tip seems not to be able to melt inside the hotend. An issue I already had with the old MMU.
Before the calibration I don't think that was a problem. It didn't feed, but it didn't jump.

How to solve that?
- Cut the tip on every toolchange?
- More material in extrusion on the purge tower directly after toolchange to get fresh filament into the nozzle?
- More friction on the extruder bondtech gear?
- Define an extra length on restart? Default value is 0.

Or should I change values on the "toolchange parameters with single extruder MM printers" or is that, was is the ramming section is made for?

Publié : 23/11/2018 9:17 pm
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