MMU2 Filament not retracting correctly after loading 1st filament
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MMU2 Filament not retracting correctly after loading 1st filament  

New Member
MMU2 Filament not retracting correctly after loading 1st filament

After loading the filament in the first position and moving to the next position it appears that the filament isn't retracting fully and it's dragging the filament along. It's not visible until you get to the third position, but each time you get a green light and it allows you to proceed to the next position all the while dragging the filament from the first position along with it.


Napsal : 20/11/2021 10:56 pm
Active Member
RE: MMU2 Filament not retracting correctly after loading 1st filament

Is the pressure of the screws from the top of the mmu right?

Maybe its to weak so it slips and the filament stays in the position.

Otherwise you can check the first ptfe tube. Maybe there is some bad spot on the way to the spool.

It should go all the way thru it without force.

Napsal : 21/12/2021 8:37 pm