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Loading Issue - Pulls Filament Tight  

Active Member
Loading Issue - Pulls Filament Tight

New build and trying to do first layer calibration.  MMU needs user input message. I have the short tube in because I am troubleshooting this.  Here's what happens...  I select to load into spot one. I push it up, it catches and the mmu spits it out the other side and then sucks it back in.  All looks like exactly what I would expect.

Then, the bed heats up and it needs the filament so the MMU starts feeding it. All works good and it goes into the hot end rollers and is grabbed.  Then for some reason, the MMU tries to retract the filament and it'll pull it so tight, you can pick it like a piano string. 

Does anyone have any ideas on what's going on here? 

Napsal : 28/04/2021 11:19 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Loading Issue - Pulls Filament Tight

Well, disregard.  I am not totally sure but I think it may have had something to do with the IR sensor.  I decided to check the IR so I removed it, made sure the plug was correct, which it was, I did the fallen wrench and it moved from 0 to one and I tried everything again.  It all worked so I am guessing that I either bumped the IR sensor or something and got it out of whack. 

Napsal : 29/04/2021 12:10 am
Trusted Member
RE: Loading Issue - Pulls Filament Tight

Trouble with the extruder filament sensor detecting the filament, maybe? Try redoing the sensor calibration.

Napsal : 29/04/2021 1:24 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Loading Issue - Pulls Filament Tight


Thanks. I am not sure if you can see the message or not.  It is flagged with a message saying Awaiting moderation.  Simple answer, I think I may have bumped the IR sensor or something at some point.  I went through the IR 0/1 test again and everything started working.

Napsal : 29/04/2021 2:55 am