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Infinite Banging Loop of Death  

Active Member
Infinite Banging Loop of Death

Has anybody else run into the problem where the MMU2S seems to get stuck in a loud initialization cycle and refuses to print. (here's a video: ).

This used to happen randomly, now it happens every time from a cold start. Sometimes a random amount of resets, power cycles, and sweet-talking (translation: swearing) at the machine will get past it.

All the drivers are current and the gcode is straight from the latest version of PrusaSlicer.

Please help.

Opublikowany : 30/04/2022 8:50 pm
New Member
RE: Infinite Banging Loop of Death

Hi  jgillick, 

I don't know if you are always stuck with the MMU2S

I had the same problem a few days ago and found a solution.

In my case, the MMU mode was set to “Stealth” (LCD Menu -> Settings -> MMU mode) and the MK3S+ mode was “normal” .

I changed it to “normal” and now my MK3S+ and MMU2S are working fine.

I don't remember changing this setting. I had already tried “Stealth” mode but only with the MK3S+ parameter, maybe has been changed automatically at that time (but not when I returned in normal mode?).

I hope this will help you.

Opublikowany : 09/08/2022 5:31 pm
Active Member
RE: Infinite Banging Loop of Death


All five red and green LEDs blinking

The MMu2S unit can detect if the stepper drivers are not able to provide enough power to the stepper motors.Resetting the MMU2S using the reset button on the side of the unit is usually enough. However, if all the LEDs keep on flashing simultaneously, then it may be a power issue:

Inspect the signal cable and MMU2S power cable for damages and check if they are properly connected to the MMU2S control board and to the printer's Einsy board.Try flashing the firmware of the MMU2S unit again, even if you are on the most current version.

Opublikowany : 31/08/2022 3:22 am