Filament getting chewed up them jamming
I think I finally starting having successes with printing and was trying my first MMU2S multiple (2) material print...I was printing the sheep...about 50% of the way through, it kept jamming. I finally took the filament out an found it was chewed up by something. I cut this portion off then it worked for a bit longer then had another jam, same thing. Any ideas what is causing it?
RE: Filament getting chewed up them jamming
I think I might know why. The IR sensor/Chimney might have moved that messed up IR sensor. When I was trying to "calibrate" my IR sensor while tight the screws and I noticed that the IR sensor in "sensor state" flicking 0 and 1 that may confused the communication with MMU2S.
A question: when it got jammed and started to chewing the filament - is the MMU2S rolling backward as it was going to eject the filament while extruder's pulley trying to roll towards nozzle? That looks like it's doing tug of war - that caused it's scrapping the filament like picture shown.
That was what I'm having problem right now. I've contact the support and they gave me the link:
I don't know if it will fix your issue, but can't hurt trying.