Filament Database
As I am still fighting with lost layers, and wasting tons of plastic in the process, I miss largely two things:
1- A database with settings for different materials, brands and colors that produce perfect tips
2- A comprehensive guide of how the different settings (temperatures, speeds, cooling passes, ramming, etc.) do affect the shape of the tip.
I can see in the different forums that some (a few) of you are succeeding with your prints, though I hate to say that those who do, have generally embarqued in more or less extensive modifications of the hardware or the firmware of the device. Of course I'd love to see these mods given a thumbs up by PRUSA before trying them...
So this is a message for all of you who get always perfect and hairless tips. Could you give away your secrets?
RE: Filament Database
Take a look here not exactly what you may be looking for but could be of some help with filament settings.
Hope it helps.